Student returned to Panipat from Ukraine: thanked God by kissing the earth; Knowing the condition of many Indian friends living there on video call

Panipat6 hours ago

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Student Anil returned from Ukraine to Panipat.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Student Anil returned from Ukraine to Panipat.

The war between Ukraine and Russia has begun. Indian citizens and students living in Ukraine are competing to return home. In such a situation, the families of Indian citizens who have gone to study or work in Ukraine are worried about them and want to bring them back to India. In such a situation, recently Anil, a student of Panipat in Haryana from Ukraine, has returned to the city. After coming here, he first thanked God by kissing the earth. Not only this, he got to know about his condition on a video call from Indian friends living in Ukraine.

Anil, a student who returned to Panipat, told that all Indian citizens and students want to return home, because the economic condition of the students living there is not very good now. Flight rates have doubled to triple. Because of this students are not able to return to India.

Student Anil talking to Indian friends living in Ukraine over a video call.

Student Anil talking to Indian friends living in Ukraine over a video call.

Hurry up to get return ticket
Anil’s brother Ravi Verma told that as soon as he saw the news of the deteriorating situation in Ukraine, the ground slipped from under his feet and he started worrying about his brother. After this, he hurriedly booked a ticket for his return to India and called Panipat to his home. He said that his brother can do studies later also, but there is life, there is a world. Colleagues have appealed to the Indian government that the financial condition of all the children who are living there is not good, so the government should provide tickets at cheap rates for the children coming from Ukraine, so that they too can return to their homes. To return home.

Student Anil with brother Ravi interacting with colleagues in Ukraine over video call.

Student Anil with brother Ravi interacting with colleagues in Ukraine over video call.

Ticket rates increased by 4 times
Ravi Verma told that at the time when his brother went to Ukraine, at that time the ticket was between 25 to 30 thousand rupees, but now the condition of Ukraine is getting worse. Similarly, flight tickets are also getting expensive. Ticket rates have increased three to four times as compared to earlier. Due to this, the citizens of India who went there to study or work are not able to come back. Because even at such times Air India is engaged in earning money. At this point of time, the only hope should be the concern of Indian citizens and they should be called back to India.

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