Strong Password Tips: Set Strong Passwords and Keep Your Account Safe from Hackers

The number of Internet users in India has increased rapidly in the last few years. As new audiences use the Internet, the risk of getting hacked also increases. Often people complain about online frauds but ignore them due to their carelessness.

What people don’t know is that setting a simple password makes the job of hackers easier. Users should set their password in such a way that even hackers need time to decode it. Today we are going to tell you some tips to set strong password.

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1) Password should be set like this: A strong password must contain 8 characters. It must contain letters in upper and lower case and must contain numbers and symbols. The password should not be such that it can be easily guessed. Never enter your personal details like name, address, phone number, email etc in your password. You should change the password from time to time. If you have shared your password with anyone, change it immediately.

2) Don’t use these as your password: Most of the users use their mobile number, date of birth or their name as the password to remember the password. These details can be easily obtained by hackers and steal the password. To guess any password, hackers first apply these three pieces of information, and they are successful most of the time. Therefore, do not use your name, date of birth or mobile number as your password.

3) Password must be different: Often we use the same password on different digital platforms. This is the reason that hackers can hack all your accounts with the same password. Always use different passwords on different platforms. To reduce the possibility of hacking. Simple passwords make it easy for hackers to access your account.

4) You won’t be targeted by hackers if you follow these tips: To protect your social media account from hackers, use special characters in addition to letters and numbers in the password. Write down all your passwords in one place and check them out if you forget any. Use different passwords on all your platforms. In this way you can protect your account from hackers.


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