Stress and Your Health: Here’s How Just 10 Minutes of Meditation Can Help You Feel Relaxed

Thousands of years ago Buddha said, “There is suffering in life.” Grief can be significant, such as the loss of a loved one or the discovery of a dangerous illness. Most of the time, however, our suffering stems from the bustle of life. You are stuck in traffic or in a long line at the supermarket. You have an unexpected auto repair or a neighbor’s noisy dog ​​keeps you awake.

These are minor inconveniences, but they have the potential to activate your body’s ancient fight-or-flight response, commonly known as the stress response. Cortisol and adrenaline flow through your body, causing your heart to beat faster. Your blood sugar level rises, your immune system is suppressed, your breathing rate accelerates, and blood flow to your digestive organs is restricted.

Most of us have felt at some point in our lives as if everything was too much for us. And, while stress can have big consequences for our health, a minute to pause and relax the mind can sometimes be enough to make us feel lighter and better in the present.

Tim Gray, a health adaptation biohacker and psychologist, explains how stress can wreak havoc on our bodies and minds in an Instagram post. He also recommends meditating for 10 minutes a day to reduce stress.

Let’s understand meditation

People have meditated for centuries. Meditation was initially intended to aid in a deeper understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life. It is now widely used for relaxation and stress reduction.

Meditation is a type of complementary therapy for the mind and body. Not only this, Gray claims that it helps regulate hormones, reduces stress, strengthens the immune system and clears the mind while facing life’s obstacles.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Meditation can provide you with a sense of calmness, calmness and balance, which can enhance your emotional well-being as well as your general health.

emotional well-being

When you meditate, you may be able to let go of the overload of information that accumulates during the day and increases your stress. Meditation can provide emotional benefits such as:

  • develop a new perspective on challenging situations
  • Developing stress-management skills and increasing self-awareness
  • reducing unpleasant feelings by focusing on the present
  • improve your imagination and creativity
  • Increased tolerance and patience

disease and meditation

Meditation may also be beneficial if you have a medical condition, especially one that is aggravated by stress. While there is a growing fund of scientific evidence supporting the health benefits of meditation, other academics say that it is not yet feasible to judge about the potential benefits of meditation. With this in mind, some evidence suggests that meditation may help manage symptoms associated with diseases such as:

  • cancer
  • Depression
  • Worry
  • asthma
  • heart disease
  • chronic restlessness
  • irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • sleep disorder
  • tension headache
  • high blood pressure

Trying a meditation method that is appropriate for your goals is a great way to enhance your quality of life, even if you only have a few minutes each day.

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