Story of dacoit-5: Once a friend of the policemen, then he started killing them.

10 hours agoWriters: Ashish Urmalia

In the year 1976, a child is born in a very poor house in Chhoti Bilhari village of Chitrakoot. When the child is two and a half years old, his father Babu Prasad Yadav dies. Mother Rajrani takes care of that child by working as a laborer, teaches and writes. Completes studies up to 10th standard. One day suddenly the police comes and takes that child in their car. Then this cycle becomes common. Every day the police would come, put him in the car and take him with him.

Today in Dacoit Ki Kahani 5, the story of the same boy Gauri Yadav, who was made a dacoit by the police. Then one day it came that the police started trembling with him. What were the exploits of Gauri that the Yogi government had to put a reward of Rs.5 lakh on her? Let’s know…

Dadua threatened the mother, “If you give 50 thousand then you will let the son do the job.”
After passing 10th, Gauri started dreaming of joining the army. Filled the army recruitment form, made preparations, then went to Kanpur and participated in the recruitment but could not be selected. At that time the order of the dacoit Dadua was used in the area. When he came to know about Gauri’s job, he along with his gang reached his mother. Showing the gun, he said, “If the son wants to get a job, then he will have to pay 50 thousand rupees.” From where would the laboring mother give 50 thousand.

photo of gauri yadav

photo of gauri yadav

Gauri was young in age but she also had to run the household. He started driving. Rampratap Yadav, the ranger of the forest department of the village, gave him a job as a driver in Allahabad. Dadua did not like this and started looking for Gauri. Then Inspector Kamal Singh of Bahilpurwa police station came to know about this.

The robber was made because of an inspector of Bahilpurwa police station
In the year 1992, Inspector Kamal Singh Yadav posted in Bahilpurwa police station of Chitrakoot was desperate to catch Dadua. During that time Gauri came to her village. The inspector was sitting preparing the script. Inspector met Gauri and explained to her, “Dadua will kill you. I have a plan so you can survive.” Gauri immediately got ready and asked how? The inspector said, “You become the special of Dadua, I will give you money and keep giving me information about it.”

Police in search of Gauri Yadav in the forests of Pata

Police in search of Gauri Yadav in the forests of Pata

In order to increase his closeness with Gauri, the inspector made him his driver and then made him an informer and started sending him to the forest. Gauri also became close to Dadua and started informing the police about her. But one day Dadua came to know about this and became thirsty for Gauri’s blood.

Gauri had a fight with the most dreaded dacoit of Chambal
When the police did not cooperate, Gauri also took up arms to save her and her family’s life from Dadua. While doing informer, he had got full experience of the forest. He formed his own gang along with dacoit Kharak Singh. Started carrying out incidents like robbery, kidnapping and murders. Meanwhile, the biggest dacoits of Chambal, Dadua and Gauri clashed several times. Gunshots were fired, many dacoits of Dadua were killed, panic spread in the village.

UP STF team in Chitrakoot forest.

UP STF team in Chitrakoot forest.

Now people started fearing Gauri’s name more than Dadua. Gauri had started carrying out such horrific incidents that the police also started looking for Gauri and announced a reward of 1 lakh on her.

Surrendered, married; He became a dacoit again after shooting his wife.
Gauri surrendered to the police after dozens of murders and hundreds of kidnapping cases were registered against herself at a very young age. 4 years in prison. He got married after coming out of jail. Had 4 children, two daughters and two sons. One day he had an argument with his wife, then he shot her in the hand and then went towards the ravine. However, later he also married off both his daughters.

The police who became a dacoit, now the same tremor started trembling
In the year 2001, Gauri formed a gang with Goppa dacoit. Started taking commission in government works in many districts like Chitrakoot, Satna, Banda. Started collecting lakhs of rupees from PWD officers. Whoever refused to pay the officer, Gauri would have kidnapped his entire family and then killed them.

Gauri continued to create ruckus for 6 years. In the year 2007, there was an encounter with the STF, he was also caught, but after a few days he attacked the police taking him in production and escaped. During this, he snatched the pistol of a policeman who had come from Delhi and killed him. Gauri had become so dangerous that the police who had pushed her on the path of becoming a dacoit was now afraid to face her.

Gauri Yadav's AK-47, in the picture it is Gauri's hand which has a tattoo on it.  GSY is written in English.  Meaning, Gauri Shankar Yadav.

Gauri Yadav’s AK-47, in the picture it is Gauri’s hand which has a tattoo on it. GSY is written in English. Meaning, Gauri Shankar Yadav.

Sometimes tied to an electric pole and shot, sometimes burnt alive
To increase his fear among the people, in the year 2016, Gauri had publicly shot 3 people of Balihari village by tying them to an electric pole. In the year 2017, 3 people of the same village were burnt alive in the forest of Kulhua. Due to his fear, he had made his mother Rajrani even the head of the village. Gauri used to take huge interest in the Panchayat elections of MP-UP. Taking money from the candidates, he would send his gang to that village and get the people to issue orders to vote in favor of the candidate.

Madhya Pradesh shifted after Yogi government was formed
After the Yogi government came to UP, Gauri had reduced her incidents. Seeing the increasing pressure of the police, he made the forests of MP’s Patha as his base. After being sober for 3 years, Gauri could not live. In June 2021, he started beating and firing with forest department officials and laborers working in the forests of Manikpur in Chitrakoot district. When her life became haraam, the Yogi government increased the amount of reward announced on Gauri to Rs 5 lakh and sent special police teams to the forest. At the same time, the MP Police also announced a reward of 50 thousand on Gauri.

Encounter happened after joint operation of police of two states
The STF team of MP was engaged in encircling Gauri from the side of Satna district. Here the teams of UP STF had camped in the forests of Chitrakoot.

STF team with Gauri Yadav's body after encounter

STF team with Gauri Yadav’s body after encounter

Three days ago, UP STF got information from surveillance and informer that Gauri Yadav was going to come to her village Bahilpurwa. On this information, the plan of operation was prepared. ADG STF Amitabh Yash himself took the responsibility of the operation. Gauri Shankar Yadav was killed by the police in an encounter that lasted from 3 to 4 in the morning of Saturday, October 30, 2021. A huge quantity of cartridges including AK-47 were recovered from him.

The mother, who was the village head, said, “The police could not kill my son”

Gauri Yadav's mother Rajrani is struggling with poverty.

Gauri Yadav’s mother Rajrani is struggling with poverty.

Gauri’s mother Rajrani says, “The police could not kill my son. After death, there were marks of ax and stone on his body. Enemies surrounded him and beat him with sticks by deceit. I raised my son by doing labor. My son was made a dacoit by the police. Today I am tempted to grain.” She said crying, “Who will be the support of my old age? I had only one son.”

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