Story of a dacoit-12: He pricked the burning wood from the stove, tied it with chains and killed the hunter; murdered 15 people together

7 hours agoWriters: Ashish Urmalia

In the year 1964, a daughter was born to the head of Tikri village in Jalaun district of Uttar Pradesh. Along with the head, the father also used to run a government ration shop. There was no shortage of money in the house. He used to keep the only daughter with great pampering. When the daughter reached the third grade, she fell in love with the neighbor Madhav Mallah. The love flourished for three-four years, then suddenly one day the girl ran away leaving the house with Madhav Mallah.

The father got upset with the daughter’s escape and went to the police. The police catch the girl and Madhav Mallah in Delhi. Delhi Police hands over the girl to the father, the father marries the girl at another place within a month, but then Madhav Mallah reaches the village with the gang of dacoits and takes away the girl by putting a gun in the chest of the girl’s husband. Is.

Today the story of the same girl Kusuma Nine who became the second biggest female dacoit of the rugged after Putli Bai. How did Kusuma, who took out the eyes of the living, become a sanyasin after 26 years? Let’s know…

When Kusuma came after serving three months in jail in the case of nine robbery, her father married her to a neighbor boy fearing slander.

When Kusuma came after serving three months in jail in the case of nine robbery, her father married her to a neighbor boy fearing slander.

Kusuma was brought to the ravines by lover Madhav
At the age of 13, Kusuma ran away from home with her love Madhav. At that time Madhav Mallah had come in contact with the robber Vikram Mallah. On the complaint of the father, Kusuma and Madhav were caught by the Delhi Police and false case of robbery was imposed on both of them.

When both of them came back after spending 3 months in jail, the father got Kusuma married to Kedar Barber living in the neighboring village of Kareli, fearing slander. Here Madhav reaches the Mallah robber Vikram Mallah and becomes an active member of his gang.

About 6 months pass. In the year 1977, Madhav reaches Kusuma’s in-laws’ house along with Mallah, Vikram and the entire gang. Her husband thrashes Kedar and brings Kusuma to the ravine.

Phoolan Devi is found in the ravine, troubling Kusuma a lot.
The gang of robber Vikram Mallah had kidnapped Kusuma. He was the boyfriend of Vikram Phoolan Devi. Phoolan had become a new dacoit. He had full weight in the gang. When Kusuma came in that gang, Phoolan started harassing her.

Phoolan would get Kusuma to fill water for the whole gang, cook everyone’s food and keep him like a slave. After all this, Kusuma started hating Phoolan Devi and her husband Madhav, because Phoolan used to harass her and Madhav used to support Phoolan only.

Phoolan Devi with her boyfriend dacoit Vikram Mallah.

Phoolan Devi with her boyfriend dacoit Vikram Mallah.

One day Phoolan said to Vikram Mallah, “Send Kusuma to kill our enemy dacoit Lalaram.” At the behest of Phoolan, Vikram asks her to kill the robber Lalaram by implicating him in his love. Under compulsion, Kusuma has to go.

After spending a few days with Lalaram, Kusuma turns towards him and gets Vikram Mallah killed on the contrary. Kusuma’s husband Madhav is also killed along with Vikram in the encounter. Now Kusuma becomes an active member of Lalaram Gang.

Lalaram teaches to use weapons and then the Behmai scandal happens.
Lalaram makes Kusuma the main member of his gang and trains him to use all kinds of weapons. Meanwhile, discussions about Lalaram and Kusuma’s love become common. Kusuma along with Lalaram’s gang starts committing incidents like robbery kidnapping. Meanwhile, she kidnaps Seema Parihar along with Lalaram. The same Seema Parihar who later became the infamous dacoit of the rugged.

In those days, Kusuma was ready to both kill and give life for Lalaram.

In those days, Kusuma was ready to both kill and give life for Lalaram.

On May 14, 1981, Phoolan Devi goes to Behmai to avenge her gang rape with outlaws Lalaram and Shriram. The two do not meet there, but still Phoolan shot 22 Rajputs standing in line. The incident had created a sensation in the entire country. After this incident, Lalaram and Kusuma, who had become his sweetheart, were eager to take revenge.

He pricks the wood on fire, kills the kidnapped people with a hunter
Phoolan surrenders in 1982, a year after the Behmai incident. The gang of Lalaram and Kusuma remains active. Meanwhile, Kusuma along with her gang commits several kidnappings. Some of the kidnapped people who came out of her custody told the police that Kusuma used to treat them very badly. She used to take out the burning wood in the stove and burn her body. Tying them with chains, she used to kill them with hunters.

Beaten up husband after going to in-laws house, burnt a woman alive with child
Kusuma was getting cruel day by day. One day she reached her in-laws’ house with her gang and brutally beat her innocent husband. Along with this, he beat up all the members of the family including his brother-in-law, Jethani.

Kusuma had said in a TV interview, “I was only angry for 25 years in the rugged.  I don't know what the anger was about.

Kusuma had said in a TV interview, “I was only angry for 25 years in the rugged. I don’t know what the anger was about.”

The limits of Kusuma’s cruelty were crossed when he burnt alive a woman of a village in Jalaun district along with her child. This case is still registered in the police file and Kusuma is serving his sentence.

Mayasta scandal: 15 seafarers were killed simultaneously, the eyes of two living seafarers were taken out
In the year 1984, Kusuma takes revenge for Phoolan Devi’s Behmai case. Drowned in the love of Phoolan’s enemy Lalaram, Kusuma along with her gang reaches the village of Mayasta, situated on the banks of the Betwa river. 15 Mallahs of that village were shot from the line and their houses were set on fire.

Kusuma had killed the Mallahs because most of Phoolan’s gang were Malahs. A few days later, he took out the eyes of Sailors named Santosh and Raj Bahadur in the ravine and left them alive.

Kusuma with his gang.  Due to Kusuma's cruelty, the dacoits started calling her the lioness of Yamuna-Chambal.

Kusuma with his gang. Due to Kusuma’s cruelty, the dacoits started calling her the lioness of Yamuna-Chambal.

Lalaram abused mother, Kusuma left the gang threatening
Kusuma was angry. One day he got into an argument with Lalaram about something, Lalaram gave him the street of his mother. Kusuma said to Lalaram, “At this time I will shoot you.” Lalaram said, “I have brought you from the ground to the sky.” Then Kusuma said that now you do not have the right to bring you down from the sky. Saying this, Kusuma leaves the gang.

After separating from Lalaram, Kusuma went to Ramashray Tiwari alias Fakkad Baba, who is said to be the guru of the bandits. The robber Fakkad Baba joined him in his gang. After a few days, the stories of his and Fakkad’s love became common. Within a few days, she became the second main member of the Fakkad gang.

The dacoit Fakkad Baba (left) was said to be the master of the bandits.  When Kusuma came in his gang, discussions of his love with Fakkad Baba started.

The dacoit Fakkad Baba (left) was said to be the master of the bandits. When Kusuma came in his gang, discussions of his love with Fakkad Baba started.

Kusuma used to use hand grenade in the encounter
Now Kusuma had become even more dangerous than Fakkad. As long as Fakkad picked up a gun to kill someone, Kusuma would shoot him. Kusuma was always armed with a sten gun and a cartridge case. She started having encounters with the police every day, so she always kept a hand grenade with her and started walking. He had killed 3 policemen in an encounter.

Retired ADG was killed and thrown into the canal for not getting 50 lakhs
Kusuma had issued a letter-pad in his name. Whenever she kidnapped someone, she would send threats and ransom money to her family on a letter-pad.

In the year 1995, Kusuma kidnapped a retired ADG Hardev Adarsh ​​Sharma. demanded a ransom of 50 lakhs from his family members. Son Pawan was somehow engaged in arranging ransom by taking a loan. On not getting the ransom money on time, Kusuma shot Hardev Adarsh ​​and threw him in the canal. His body was recovered from the canal bank in Sahaso police station area.

Kusuma always carried a hand grenade with her.  She used to attack the police with grenades when the encounter took place.

Kusuma always carried a hand grenade with her. She used to attack the police with grenades when the encounter took place.

After this incident, the police had placed a reward of 35 thousand rupees on Kusuma. Despite keeping the reward, the police was not able to catch Kusuma. Many teams of STF kept trying day and night, but could not catch Kusuma and Fakkad.

Kusuma had become the second most dreaded female dacoit of Chambal after Putli Bai. His kingship in the ravine had been established in such a way that the dacoits of his gang were ready to behead anyone at his behest.

Fakkad awakened his inner sannyasa, then he surrendered
Fakkad Baba had great faith in God. He used to commit robbery, kidnapping and murders, but also used to give discourses to the rest of the bandits of the rugged. For this the rest of the dacoits also respected him. Many dacoits also considered him as their guru.

With the passage of time, Fakkad became closer to spirituality. Kusuma also stayed with him day and night. Slowly his words had an effect on Kusuma too. Now Kusuma did not want to spend the rest of her life wandering in the fear and ravines of the police.

One day both of them decided to surrender together. While surrendering, Kusuma had made a condition that she would surrender in front of UP Chief Minister Mulayam Singh. Mulayam Singh could not reach there due to busy schedule.

In the year 2004, Kusuma and Fakkad along with their entire gang surrendered to the police. Right now Kusuma is in jail, serving the sentence of the same cases.

Kusuma with Fakkad Baba in jail.  At the time of surrender, Kusuma had 24 cases registered against him, out of which 13 were of murder.  She is still serving the sentence.

Kusuma with Fakkad Baba in jail. At the time of surrender, Kusuma had 24 cases registered against him, out of which 13 were of murder. She is still serving the sentence.

Learned to write Ram after going to jail, takes bath in the morning and worships for hours
The police officer explains, “Kusuma is engaged in devotion to Bhole Baba in the jail. Waking up in the morning, she takes a bath and does penance for hours. She has turned from a dreaded dacoit to a sanyasan. In the evening, she also recites Gita and Ramayana. The one who only knew how to use a weapon outside the jail, has now learned to use a pen inside the jail. He first learned to write Ram inside the jail. At the same time, the robber Fakkad Baba has also started giving discourses inside the jail.

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