special | Will be an honour, says Leander Paes on TMC ticket for Goa, opens up on CM’s speculations

Leander Paes may have traded tennis courts for people’s courts, but the 48-year-old refuses to get into the negativity of politics. He says his focus is on providing good governance in Goa as part of the Trinamool Congress. In an interview to News18, Paes said that he is not against contesting the 2022 Goa elections on a TMC ticket and does not shy away from speculating on the chief minister’s role.

Edited excerpt:

From tennis courts to the political sphere. How does it feel?

Looks good, I’m in the middle of hype as you can see. I am going to the people and listening to the issues of Goa from them. I have represented India for 30 years. I have changed my platform now but I am working as hard on people’s courts as I used to do on tennis courts. I want to give the best quality of life to the people, for which social harmony and peace are necessary.

The women here are afraid to step out even during the day. There is a big drinking issue, there is a mining issue, one in five doesn’t have a job. I am really looking forward to solving their issues. Good governance is needed in Goa and we want to give that to the people.

Politics is a very different game. It doesn’t have temper for sportsmanship. are you scared?

Everybody’s scared. People like us do not enter politics. But how will things change if we stay out? Some people enter politics, campaign and stay for three months, then go back. I think if you really want to make a difference, you have to do it within the system. Only then can the quality of life be changed.

Why did you come to TMC? Why not you or Congress?

I have friends everywhere. But if you really see why I joined TMC, it is because the party can make Goa shine. Goa can be an example in the case of good governance like Singapore. Goa needs good orderly governance and I think TMC can provide that. ‘Goa for Goa’ is the need of the hour. Only TMC has the real passion to do good for Goa.

How serious are you about politics?

I have served the nation for 30 years; In the David Cup, at Wimbledon… I have a fire for the country. I will play politics match with the same passion I have for tennis.

what tips Mamata Banerjee give you? And do you think Mamata will have a bigger role to play in 2024?

2024 is far, have to ask Elder sister He. Goa election in February 2022 is important. The people of Goa will contest this election, not the leaders of Kolkata. We have a dynamic leadership team in Goa. This is Goa for Goa. We will preserve our heritage. I am getting immense support from my leader. I am thankful that he gave me this opportunity and support. He is a champion and he has given us a free hand.

What was the reason for you taking a political stand with TMC?

In the last 20 years, I have got a chance to join any party. But now I have the time and passion to work for people. I noticed that people here do not have basic needs. Goa has resources but needs good governance.

Why won’t people vote for Congress and AAP? Why for TMC?

I will not say bad things about any other political party. They are all my friends, we are all fighting for India. I will not do what is normally done in politics. I’ll just tell you what I’ll do, that’s all.

Will you contest the election if given a ticket?

It would be a great honor if I get an opportunity to serve my people.

If you are given the responsibility of the chief minister’s post…

If I am given the platform, I will do as much hard work as I have been doing for 30 years. I will take every issue seriously, form a team, consult seniors and work hard. I will rule Goa systematically. We can take our rich resources and make a golden Goa.

Will you continue to meet ordinary people then?

Even after winning 18 Grand Slams, I remained the same. I am the son of the soil and will always be so.

How will you manage the buy-in which is common here?

I am trying to learn and gain knowledge. I am not concerned with what happened in the last election. I am not worried about negative things like buying and selling. We have the will and desire to serve our people. That is our focus.

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