Special on Misal-e-Mohabbat: Sometimes the British looted, sometimes an application was made to open 22 rooms; The story of the Taj Mahal standing proud every time

One hour agoAuthor: Devanshu Tiwari

Four years had passed since Shah Jahan got the throne. Shah Jahan, who was always busy in the royal palace, now started spending day and night with Mumtaz. The reason was his continuously deteriorating health. In her last moments, Mumtaz took a promise from the emperor. After 391 years, this promise of Mumtaz has become the headline of newspapers of the country today. The Allahabad High Court has rejected the application to re-open the 22 rooms of the Taj Mahal, a witness to this promise, but we are telling you the full story.

This story begins 390 years ago, that is, from 1631…
Mumtaz had become very weak. Before giving birth to the 14th child, Mumtaz took not one but two promises from the emperor. First, after his departure, he will not have a child with any other woman. Second, Mumtaz said, “I have seen in my dream a very beautiful palace and garden like nowhere else in this world. I request you to build a palace like that in my memory.” Mumtaz died while giving birth to the child. From the next story till the decision of May 12, we have told through 10 graphics.

It has 3 parts. First- reason to become another- architect and design and third- dispute. Let’s go through it one by one…

1. History of Taj Mahal

2. architect of taj mahal

3. Controversies related to Taj Mahal

The story of the Taj Mahal and the things related to it end here, finally the famous poet Shakeel Badayuni Let’s bid farewell to this beautiful song…

“The Emperor built a beautiful Taj-Mahal,
He has given the whole world a sign of love.
In the shadow of this there will always be discussions of love,
The story that cannot be finished is given.


  1. The book of Shah Jahan’s court historian Inayat Khan ‘Shah Jahannama’
  2. Documents of land deal from Raja Jai ​​Singh kept in Jaipur City Palace Museum
  3. Peter Mandi in his book ‘The Travels of Peter Mundy in Europe and Asia’
  4. Fergus Nichol’s book ‘Shah Jahan – The Rise and Fall of the Mughal Emperor’
  5. book by diana and michael preston ‘Taj Mahal: Passion and Genius at the Heart of the Moghul Empire’
  6. Historian Rajkishore Raje’s book ‘Tavarikh-a-Agra’
  7. PN Oak’s book ‘Tajmahal: The True Story’

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