Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez reshuffles cabinet

Prime Minister of Spain, Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, cabinet reshuffle, Spain's latest international news, s
Image source: AP/Rep.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has reshuffled the cabinet.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has made sweeping changes to his cabinet as he seeks to revive the government ahead of the second part of his mandate.

The most significant change on Saturday was Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo leaving the cabinet, Xinhua news agency reported.

Nadia Calvino, the second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs, was promoted to replace him.

Other significant departures from the cabinet have been brought by Arancha González, who took his post as Minister of Foreign Affairs along with Isabel Cela (Education and Vocational Training), Juan Carlos Campo (Justice), José Manuel Rodríguez (Culture), Pedro Duque (Science). Lost it. and innovation), and Jose Luis Alabos (Transport).

Sanchez appeared on TV to explain the changes.

He named José Manuel Albers as the new Minister of Foreign Affairs; Pilar Alegria, Minister of Education and Vocational Training; Pilar Lopp, Minister of Justice; Mikel Esta, Minister of Culture; Diana Morant, Minister of Science and Innovation; and Raquel Sanchez, Minister of Transport.

“We have 30 months left in the mandate and the government is starting a new period. We have formed a team to focus on fair economic recovery … I want to include young men and women who have public Experience in the field,” the Prime Minister said.

He said the changes reduce the average age of his cabinet from “55 to 50 years of age”.

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