Soutan received as a gift on the first anniversary: ​​In Shivpuri, the young man had married for the first time after being trapped in a rape case; now married second

Kapil Mishra. Shivpuri12 minutes ago

On the first anniversary of marriage in Shivpuri, the husband gave such a gift to the wife that her world was shaken. He got sautan as a gift. Husband has got second marriage. On Wednesday, the first wife reached the SP office to complain. She told that the husband had made relations with her in the name of love. Then she refused to marry and filed a complaint of rape. After that he married me.

The matter is of Sirsaud police station area. The victim woman says that on June 10, 2021, she was married to a young man named BP. On June 10, 2022, he got married for the second time.

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When he protested, he was beaten up and thrown out of the house.
The victim says that she has been married for a year. During this he got chickenpox. Taking advantage of the illness, the husband’s family got his second marriage to another girl. When she resisted, the husband beat her up. Not only this, he was also thrown out of the house.

Relationship is broken, yet the relationship is maintained by taking it in trust
The victim told that for the first time in the year 2018, there was talk of her marriage. The matter had escalated. The matter got stuck on the issue of dowry. The boy’s father demanded so much dowry that my family members refused to marry. A few days after the breakup, I got a call from BP. He said that he wants to marry her. After telling him repeatedly, she got into his words.

BP talked about taking a room in Shivpuri in the name of studies on the pretext of marriage. Promised marriage after completion of studies. Coming to things, she started living in a rented room in Shivpuri. BP started coming and going here. During this, BP made relations with her many times on the pretext of marriage.

Married after registering a rape case
The woman says that in 2019 BP refused to marry her. After this, he filed a case under the sections of rape. BP married her on 10 June 2021 after the consent of the family. Both of them were living together since then.

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