Son kills parents: 17-year-old son killed both of them and buried them in Chhattisgarh’s Surguja, said – did not love me

Ambikapur14 hours ago

In Chhattisgarh’s Surguja, a 17-year-old boy killed his own parents and buried their bodies at home. The murder came to light after 5 days when the boy’s elder brother reached home. He could not find his parents in the house, but he was frightened by the smell coming in the house. He immediately informed the police. After this the police reached the spot.

During interrogation, the younger son accepted the matter of killing the parents and burying the dead body. The police have taken the accused into custody. He is under interrogation.

When there was a stink inside the house, the elder son called the police.
Jairam Singh (50) and Phoolsundari Bai (45), living in Khodhala village of Udaipur area in Surguja district, have two sons. Elder son Hemant lives with his wife in in-laws’ house. When he reached home on Thursday, his parents were not there. He asked around, but could not find anything. There was a bad smell inside the house too. On this Hemant informed the police.

The dead body was buried by digging a pit inside the house.
When the police arrived late in the night and interrogated the younger brother, the murder was revealed. The younger brother killed his parents and buried their dead bodies by digging a pit inside the house. First buried the dead body of the father. Two days later, he buried the body of the mother. Even after this he remained there, kept sleeping. He also used to cook food there. The policemen were also shocked by this revelation. Thereafter the bodies were retrieved and sent for postmortem.

The body was leveled from above by burial near the ladder.

The body was leveled from above by burial near the ladder.

The accused felt that parents give more attention to elder brother

The accused is 12th fail and is very angry. According to the police, he always felt that his parents gave more importance to his elder brother. Don’t even love him. The elder brother got married only a year ago. He works as a laborer in the mines and lives with his in-laws. Sometimes he used to come to the village.

The accused did not do anything special, due to which parents often used to scold and reprimand him. It is suspected that due to this matter, his mind was filled with anger. However, the police feel that the mental condition of the accused is not good. The matter is being investigated and the villagers are also being questioned.

The wood cutter was hit by the recovery, kept cooking there
During the police interrogation, the accused juvenile told that he had killed the parents about 5-6 days ago by extorting wood. First buried the body of the father in the house, but buried the mother after two days. After this he slept and cooked in the same house. Forensic team has been sent to the spot. She is investigating the matter. The police took the statements of the accused in front of the magistrate and then got the bodies taken out.

Hemant, the elder brother of the accused narrating about the incident.

Hemant, the elder brother of the accused narrating about the incident.

Police said – the boy’s mental condition is not good
SDOP Akhilesh Kaushik told that during interrogation the boy said that the parents did not love him. He loved his brother and sister-in-law more. Because of this he was killed. He said that prima facie the mental condition of the boy is not looking good. He committed the crime in anger. Both were killed on the same day, but buried on different days. Further action in this incident is currently going on.

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