Son in Ukraine’s bunker, Goa family prays for homecoming. Goa News – Times of India

Panaji: In the village of South Goa BenaulimThe Gomes Pereira family prays fervently for the return of their son, Jaden. hidden in bunker in the east UkraineThe 19-year-old, along with other Indian students, is running out of food and battling mental fatigue, even as a fierce battle rages on in the Central Asian country.
The city of Sumy is just 60 km from the Russian border. Indian evacuation missions are currently operating in western Ukraine, off the border it shares with Romania. However, traveling east to west in Ukraine, Europe’s second largest country, is fraught with danger, the journey is at least 16 hours long, and passes through the capital, Kyiv.
Jaden’s mother Anita said, “Indian authorities initially asked the students to come on their own to the western border, but it is too dangerous, the streets are being bombed.” “Train stations are packed and chaotic.” She said the latest advice has asked her to stay put.
Thus, Jaiden, a second-year student of veterinary science, is surrounded by his compatriots, mostly from Kerala and Tamil Nadu, together in the bunker below his hostel, waiting to get out of the country.
“Jaiden and other students are panicking,” Anita told TOI. “The food is running out and they don’t know when they will be evacuated or when the bombing will stop. He is experiencing mental exhaustion… The Indian Embassy is in touch with him, but he needs to move fast. The students have to somehow be taken from their hostel to the west border.”
Jaden was waiting for his university to allow him to attend online classes before leaving the country. He obtained permission on February 22, and he got the ticket as soon as possible. He had tickets to a flight from Ukraine on Saturday, but during the week Russia invaded the country. “Even the people of Ukraine did not believe that Russia would attack until the end,” Anita said.
Jaden’s heart was engaged in veterinary medicine from the eighth grade
Lack of a veterinary college in Goa, limited general seats in Puducherry and Mumbai and skyrocketing fees in private institutions forced him to look elsewhere to fulfill his dream. His journey began in Ukraine in April 2021.
Back in Goa, Jaden did not encourage dogs of the breed. “He rescued all kinds of stray dogs, mostly females that had been abandoned in the market, and as a child, he brought home animal bones that interested him,” said Anita.
“Diagnosing and treating sick animals requires patience and compassion, and Jaden has it,” Anita said. Before the invasion, his son’s conversations revolved around the animals he met in Ukraine.