Snippets from the UK: Mask up with N99 for easier breathing, suggests new study

More than a face-saver: The controversy over the benefits of wearing masks continues till the pandemic spread. Where there are masks, a lot of creativity has gone into designing them. And mainly for safety, N95 was considered the best standard. But the Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation has now found that the quality of masks can make a huge difference and that an FFP3 mask or N99 can provide up to 100 percent protection. Even surgical masks cannot keep out aerosols that spread the virus.

Javid bats for an “irreversible” end to the lockdown: New health secretary Sajid Javid has made himself popular with tabloid newspapers declaring his confidence in an early and “irreversible” end of the lockdown. “Javid fights for freedom” went the Daily Mail. Britain just has to “learn to live” with the virus, he says. Some were hoping that he might extend it from the due date of July 19 to July 5. but it’s not like that. In any case, Javid must have spoken an infamous last word here. The end of a lockdown can only be as irreversible if the progression of the virus is reversed or halted by vaccines. Viruses are widely reported to mutate dangerously all the time, and the efficacy of vaccines has so far been limited, and for a long time, untested.

Silver Layer of Fewer Covid Deaths: There has been some reason for optimism, while the number of infections in the UK continues to rise. As Health Secretary Sajid Javid puts it, the death toll is “mercifully less”, as is the number of those admitted to hospital. Those two are not growing in proportion to the number of significant index cases. By the time that parallel is broken, Britain must break out of lockdown, and overcome the virus. Also leading virologists say that there is no doubt that the virus will mutate and return during the rest of the year. Meanwhile, as Britain basks in optimism, more and more countries are closing their doors to Britons. They are not learning to live with any risk of more virus coming in with the British.

EU’s ‘babudome’ may have sparked Coveshield controversy: Crying over racism from the EU at the current refusal to recognize Covishield may be excessive. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) says it does not regulate travel, they are protocols that individual member states announce. It says that the only AstraZeneca for which it received an application was Vaxgeria, which was certified. He says he has not received any applications for a vaccine named Covishield. This is the same vaccine, which is recognized by WHO, and has been accepted by many countries. The EMA says a vaccine is a biological product, and that small changes in production conditions can make a difference. Therefore, it also warrants use depending on the manufacturing conditions. Which is prepared to be used with Covishield once the application is received. racist? Or just bureaucracy?

A Raw Deal: The answer to the Coveshield controversy may lie in Alfonso Mango. Back in 2014, the European Union banned the import of Alphonso mangoes on the grounds that some fruit flies were seen with certain crates. The European Union thought those flies could destroy Europe’s salad crops. But far from the recommendations of the European Union, Britain and many countries around the world continued to import them. There is no such thing as Alphonso’s disease spread in humans nor in salads. The European Union lifted its ban the following year.

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