Smart Parenting Tips: Five Ways To Boost Your Child’s IQ

There is a common myth that the level of IQ is genetic or it is congenital. It has, however, been found in research that if you train your intelligence quotient or IQ properly, then it can be increased at any age. According to Healthline, human intelligence is divided into two types. The first is fluid intelligence and the second is crystallised intelligence.

Fluid Intelligence is related to Abstract Reasoning, whereas Crystallised Intelligence is related to Intellectual Skill Development. According to the National Library of Medicine, human intelligence is influenced by genetics, diet, education, parenting style, home life and the surrounding environment, most of which can be tweaked and enhanced. Let us take parenting into consideration and see how you can increase the IQ of your child.

Memory and Brain games

These activities can help your child develop a sharp brain right from childhood. Try to make your child interested in jigsaw puzzles, crossword, scrabble, sudoku and Rubik’s Cube among others.

musical instrument

Music is a therapy. And, it can help in many ways. As per a number of researches, children who learn musical instruments have a better memory than non-musicians.

Teach your child a new language or two

Would you believe that more than half of the world’s population speaks two languages? Learning various languages ​​is helpful to the human brain, and the earlier you start, the better. A recent study looked into the link between early language learning and intelligence. Language development through discussion and engagement from ages 18 to 24 months was found to be the most favorable for cognitive outcomes later in life.

Develop a healthy eating habit in your child

Note that all kinds of vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, proteins etc. are in abundance in their food.

Frequent reading

There’s no denying that books are advantageous to human brain growth. In fact, when books are included in parental bonding activities, the developmental benefits are considerably greater.

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