SKM shunned by the murder on the Singhu border: said – against the sacrilege of religious texts but no one has the right to take law in their hands on crime

Ludhiana5 hours ago

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After the killing of Nihang Singhs on the charge of sacrilege of Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the United Kisan Morcha has distanced itself from the whole episode. A statement has been issued on this matter after the virtual meeting of the United Kisan Morcha. The SKM has said in its statement that a Nihang Singh group has taken the responsibility of the murder that took place in the morning.

The United Front has said that we are saddened by the murder of Lakhbir Singh, a resident of Tantaran. The deceased had been living with the Nihang group, which took the responsibility of the murder, for some time. Morcha members said that we are also against the sacrilege of any religious text. But no particular person or group has the right to take the law into their own hands on crime. Therefore, the leaders of the United Kisan Morcha demand that there should be a fair investigation in both sacrilege and murder cases.

Nihangs killed young man on Singhu border: first hand cut, neck hit, then body of Tarn Taran youth was hung in front of the stage of farmers’ movement

The situation on the Singhu border remains very tense. There are tents of Nihang Singhs on the back of the stage of the United Kisan Morcha. Police are stationed around it. The intelligence wing of the police is busy collecting all the videos related to the incident, so that any evidence can be found.

Farmers sitting in front of the stage of Kisan Morcha.

Farmers sitting in front of the stage of Kisan Morcha.

Leaders are giving speeches on the stage of Kisan Morcha as usual
Before the virtual meeting, as usual, the stage of farmers on the Singhu border started. Farmer leaders continued to deliver their speeches from the stage. Some farmer leaders have also condemned the entire incident. The dead body of the young man was hanged at some distance from this stage. This stage has been going on like this for the last 10 months and it is going on even today.

Bhaskar Exclusive: Nihang’s confession on the murder of the young man, the accused said – the sinner had desecrated the Guru Granth Sahib

The dead body kept hanging for 4 hours, was not allowed to take it down

According to eyewitnesses, the body of the youth was hung from the barricade near the stage of the United Kisan Morcha around 5 am. Police also reached the spot after getting information but the body was not allowed to be taken down till 9 am. When a media person tried to take a photo from the mobile too, his mobile was also switched off. The body could be brought down after the appeal of farmers’ organizations.

Murder on Singhu border: The young man who died was addicted to drugs, wife had gone to her maternal home 5 years ago with 3 daughters

Nihang Singh has quarreled many times before

Nihang Singh has been camping on the Singhu border by putting up a tent for about 10 months. They often have quarrels with the people living nearby and the farmers who have come into conflict. He has even come on stage with bare swords many times. This is the reason that the United Kisan Morcha was also very upset with them. The senior leader of the Morcha says that he himself is troubled by this.

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