Skincare: These 6 Herbal Teas Can Give You A Radiant Glow

Do you know that consuming tea can improve your skin? Tea is an essential part of Indian households. you have a headache; You drink a cup of tea. if you have a sore throat or cold; A cup of ginger tea is your favorite option for instant relief. There is an infinite list. What if you were told that tea also helps in rejuvenating your skin? Yes, you read it right. Many teas effectively reduce the tension lines from the face, thereby brightening the skin.

The increasing environmental pollution makes us vulnerable to free radicals and oxidative stress which shows up on our face in the form of wrinkles, discoloration and dullness. Since tea is rich in antioxidants and has anti-aging properties, a cup or two can rejuvenate your skin and eliminate these free radicals before they can do any real damage to the skin.

Parimal Shah, Founder & CEO, Cherries India Pvt Ltd, explains the variations of tea and their role in skin care.

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green tea

Anti-inflammatory properties are found in green tea. It moisturises the burnt skin, hydrates it and reduces the effects of sunburn. It also helps reduce skin irritation, redness, breakouts and inflammation. Due to its many benefits, many skin specialists also recommend applying green tea on the face. It also aids in treating minor wounds. Green tea is also a popular refreshment among people trying to lose weight. Green tea and lemongrass are a perfect combination for skin care as lemongrass has purifying properties. Because of its antibacterial and antifungal properties, lemongrass is also a common ingredient in skin care products.

black tea

Black tea, which is high in polyphenols and antioxidants, is known to prevent premature aging of the face. According to several studies, it is significantly more effective at reducing wrinkles than other types of tea. The skin-cleansing and antioxidant properties of black tea help in removing the toxins that cause blemishes on the skin. For better skin results, one can also use cotton balls to apply directly on the face when it cools down.

Amla Herbal Tea

The amla extract in your tea can do wonders for your skin. Amla juice increases the level of Vitamin C and helps in increasing the collagen formation of the skin when consumed regularly. Skin that is soft and youthful is the result. Tea made from amla reduces acne scars, fine lines and breakouts. It removes the effects of acne as it is a natural blood purifier.

lavender tea

Lavender tea contains antioxidants that aid in the detoxification of your epidermis. Additionally, it protects your skin from age spots by inhibiting pigmentation brought on by the harmful UV radiation of the sun. Lavender tea has a cooling and calming effect on the skin and aids in the prevention of various skin diseases.

Ginger and Turmeric Tea

When we think of ginger, we immediately think of its strong, spicy aroma. The reason is natural ginger oil, or gingerol, which helps reduce inflammation and pain. The anti-inflammatory properties of gingerol can help soothe inflamed skin. Curcumin, the active component of turmeric, and ginger are foods that have been shown to enhance the skin’s appearance and healing ability. So ginger and turmeric tea is perfect for maintaining the health of your epidermis.

cardamom tea

The antibacterial properties of cardamom tea aid in repairing breakouts. Cardamom is a natural skin cleanser that removes blemishes and makes your face look cleaner and more even. In addition to high levels of vitamin C, calcium and manganese, cardamom also has anti-aging properties.

Tea comes in various forms and sizes. Apart from providing numerous health benefits, they also facilitate a glowing complexion. The great thing about tea is that it can be made quickly, unlike many recipes that require a lot of time and ingredients. So go ahead and add your favorite tea to your self-care routine.