Skincare Essentials: Learn How to Use Vitamin C

When most people think of vitamin C, the first thing that comes to mind is either the thought of citrus fruits or its ability to keep your immune system strong. However, when administered topically, this popular vitamin offers several skin benefits.

Because of its brightening and tightening effects, vitamin C is a favorite of the beauty industry. Dermatologists commonly suggest the ingredient because it offers many skin care benefits, is safe to use on all skin types and doesn’t have the same potential skin-irritating adverse effects as other active ingredients like retinol.

Do you want to know what vitamin C can do for you? We are here to help you.

There are many products rich in Vitamin C available in the market. We propose to combine several such items in different phases of a single program to maximize the benefits. Remember that for vitamin C to be effective, it must be absorbed by the skin. As a result, the products chosen should preferably be those that act directly on the skin.

wash face: Removes accumulated dirt, sweat and toxins from the skin. Allows active molecules to penetrate deep into the pores of the skin.

skin toner: Applied immediately after cleansing, while the pores of the skin are still open. This allows vitamin C to penetrate the pores and work on improving the skin.

Face Serum: A concentrated solution that delivers a high concentration of active substances to the skin. Vitamin C serum is the most recommended and a must have skin care product for anyone seeking the skin benefits of Vitamin C.

face cream: The ultimate long lasting cream that provides a moisturizing treatment to your skin for hours.

What does this do for us?

Internally, vitamin C helps repair tissue damage and strengthens the immune system. It is a fantastic antioxidant that we cannot live without.

Vitamin C is essential for skin health from the outside. Several studies have shown that L-ascorbic acid not only increases collagen, a naturally occurring vitamin responsible for skin suppleness that tends to decrease with age, but also helps the skin fight off harmful UV rays. also helps. According to a research from Oregon State University, cigarette or vape smoke, air pollution, and UV radiation all deplete levels of vitamin C in the skin, thus taking supplements and topical L-ascorbic acid for a healthy glow. Using a serum is a must.

Vitamin C is a natural acid that can act as a gentle exfoliator on the face, sloughing off layers of dead skin to reveal smoother skin. It also relieves inflammation and reduces redness, giving your skin an even more toned look.

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