Skin cancer signs: How to know if a mole is dangerous

According to the British NHS, men are more likely to get skin cancer than women because many men do not apply sunscreen before going out in the sun, whereas most women do. Together skin cancer With death rates rising dramatically, it is time to ask ourselves whether we will notice the early signs or whether we will know how to differentiate between dangerous and harmless moles.

Dr. Philippa Kaye told in an interview Sun Everything You Need To Know.

Kaye explained that in order to notice moles or if there are any changes, you must become familiar with your body.

He explains, “If you notice a change in the mole, which is changing in colour, size, shape as well as sensation, see a doctor – so if the mole is bleeding, crusting Or it’s sore or itchy,” she said. Sun.

How can you detect melanoma in its early stages and how will you know when to see a doctor?

There are two main types of skin cancer: non-melanoma ie basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), with 156,000 cases diagnosed per year in the UK, while melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer diagnosed. 16,700 times a year. According to Cancer Research UK, non-melanoma cases may be under-reported and not included in data listing the country’s most common types of cancer.

a 3D immunofluorescent image of melanoma cells (magenta) infected with bacteria (turquoise); Cell nuclei are blue (Credit: Weizmann Institute of Science)

Millions of people are putting their lives at risk from skin cancer, with one in 10 people in the UK using a tanning bed, including children and teenagers. exposure to UV rays from the sun Or tanning beds are usually the main cause of skin cancer. Using a tanning bed before the age of 35 increases the chance of developing melanoma by 87%.

The most common symptom of skin cancer is a change in a mole, freckle, or normal skin patch, Dr. Kay explained. Moles are usually about a quarter of a centimeter in size, solid brown, gray or black in color and may be flat or raised. Some are present from birth and others appear in childhood or adulthood and remain the same size.

The most important warning sign is when something new appears on the skin or when an existing mole changes. Initially, they may grow outward and cannot burrow into the skin, so consult a doctor If a mole is growing.

How skin cancer is treated depends on many factors, but it all depends on the type of cancer, how far it has spread, its location, and whether it is in an early or advanced stage. The main treatment is surgery performed under local anesthesia to remove the mole and surrounding tissue.