Six-year-old child attacked by stray dogs, atmosphere of panic Coimbatore News – Times of India

Tiruppur: The municipal corporation has decided to step up animal birth control measures after a video of a herd of stray dogs hitting a six-year-old child in Sanglipallam in Theraku Thottam on Friday went viral.
RP Ramasamy’s son R Pragdish was playing alone near his house at around 1.45 pm on Thursday when he was attacked. A stray dog ​​bit the first boy and soon three more dogs accompanied him. They dragged him for a few meters and continued the attack when Ramasamy, armed with a stick, managed to scare him away.
The boy, who was bitten at five places including thigh, shoulder and back, is undergoing treatment at the government hospital in Tiruppur. A doctor said that he would be kept under observation in the hospital for three days.
Ramasamy told TOI that after the CCTV footage of the attack went viral on social media, Tirupur South police and municipal corporation officials contacted him. “He has promised to take necessary action. Six dogs have been roaming in the area for the past few months. They live in a nearby farm and sometimes enter the streets. I have heard that a similar incident happened a year ago as well. We had come here only a year back and had raised the issue of dogs in front of the corporation officials several times. But no action was taken.”
A corporation official promised to keep stray dogs away from residential areas. “We will step up animal birth control activity and survey the dog population,” he said.

