Sindhi: Karnataka: Sindhi residents eager to meet their leaders in person. Hubli News – Times of India

Vijayapura: As the date of the by-election is approaching, so is the crowd of leaders. BJP, Congress, and running for JD(S) virtuosity To campaign for their respective candidates. They are visiting villages and trying to woo voters. On the other hand, candidates prefer to meet voters at their doorsteps. The opposition parties are trying to attract voters by mentioning issues like rising fuel prices, while the ruling party is counting on its achievements both in the state and the nation.
Umesh Katti, a contractor from Kadni village, said Sindgi is facing its first by-election in three decades, and people are excited to see state leaders from all parties. “They run to all the promotional events just to see him and hear his speeches. While the BJP has posted ministers, the Congress has appointed MLAs and MLCs in each Zilla Parishad constituency. Even the JD(S) supremo is temporarily staying in Almail. Parties are also protesting by sending community leaders to persuade the communities.”
Almail writer Sidramappa Uppin observed that leaders of the BJP, Congress and JD(S) particularly favored the Sindgi voters. “It is amusing that both JD(S) and Congress are claiming of late MC Managulias his achievements. As the son of senior Managuli, Congress candidate Ashok managuli It is claimed that the work was done by his father. On the other hand, JD(S) claims that senior Managuli was JD(S). MLA. However, the voters of Sindgi are smart, and have given preference to candidates from different communities and parties,” he said.
Vinayak, a college student in Sindgi, said he has participated in the campaign programs of all parties. “We see these leaders on television. During the general election, they hardly came to our city. So now’s the time to see them in person, and we’re seizing the opportunity. Despite the fact that his speeches are confusing us, we are not missing any program. It has been like entertainment for us,” he said.
