Sidney Poitier, the first black actor to win an Oscar for Best Actor, passes away; Britney Spears posted nude pics

Sidney Poitier, who broke racial barriers to become the first black actor to win an Oscar for Best Actor, has died at the age of 94. He won an Academy Award for his role in the 1963 film Lily of the Field. Clint Watson, press secretary to the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, confirmed the news of Poitier’s death with CNN.

Read more: Sidney Poitier, first black actor to win Best Actor Oscar, dies at 94

A B.Com student from Bellary, Karnataka wrote a leave letter to the college principal, requesting leave to celebrate the birthday of KGF star Yash. “On the occasion of Yash Bhai’s birthday, all the fans are participating in the (a)online celebration by creating a trend on Twitter. I have decided to join the trend and wish Yash bhai. Therefore I request you to grant me leave on 7th January,” read an excerpt from his letter.

Read his full letter here: KGF star Yash’s fan seeks leave from college principal to celebrate Kannada actor’s birthday

Britney Spears shared a series of nude mirror selfies on Instagram. Britney was seen posing naked in front of the mirror showing off her long, blonde hair. She has covered her modesty with heart and flower emoji and is seen wearing white plain knee length socks and a choker. “Free female energy never felt better,” she captioned the post.

See the pics here: Britney Spears Posts Nude Photos on Instagram, Says “Free Woman Energy Has Never Felt Better”

Actor Teerthanand attempted suicide on December 27. The actor has worked with comedian Kapil Sharma on his show The Kapil Sharma Show. When something went wrong, his neighbors took him to the hospital. The actor is reportedly struggling for the past two years due to lack of work.

Read more: Tirthanand, who worked in The Kapil Sharma Show, attempts suicide; saved by neighbors

Kubra Sait is the latest Bollywood star to have tested positive for Covid-19. Kubbra wrote on Instagram, “Hey beautiful peeps, first and foremost #maskup. Second, I have tested positive with mild/asymptomatic covid-19. If we were in contact with me, please run a home test…( So that we don’t burden the already cumbersome testing system. I still haven’t received the results from the lab, it’s been 36 hours), otherwise it’s better to stay indoors and take a break. Maybe you realize Even if you are a carrier (at this stage).”

Read more: Kubra Sait tests positive for Covid-19, asks fans to ‘consume fluids, watch a little TV’

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