Mumbai: Actor Sidharth Malhotra on Tuesday shared a glimpse of his first Holi celebration with his wife Kiara Advani after marriage. Siddharth shared a selfie on Instagram, captioning which he wrote, “First Holi with Mrs. #HappyHoli.” The picture shows the newly married couple posing for a fun selfie. Sidharth and Kiara can be seen twinning in white shirts covered in bright colours. Both accessorised their look with shades. Soon after the ‘Jabariya Jodi’ actor shared the picture, fans flooded the comments section with red hearts and fire emoticons.
One fan commented, “Finally giving us butterflies again.”
Another fan wrote, “Malhotra ji full romantic yes.”
A fan wrote, “Happy Holi to the cutest couple.”
A fan wrote, “Happy Holi gorgeous couple.”
Earlier today, Kiara released a series of pictures from her haldi ceremony and captioned it, “Happy Holi from me and my love to you and yours.”
Sidharth and Kiara tied the knot on February 7 in an intimate ceremony at the Suryagarh Palace in Rajasthan. They hosted a reception for their close friends in Delhi and later in Mumbai on 12 February.
The two apparently fell in love while shooting for ‘Shershaah’, which released in 2021.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kiara will be seen romancing Ram Charan in ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ and Kartik Aaryan in ‘RC 15’. Siddharth is all set to make his digital debut with Rohit Shetty’s ‘Indian Police Force’.