SIA Requests Government To Align 5G Spectrum Policy with that of Europe

The satellite communications industry association or SIA has written to the government, expressing concerns about the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI)’s recommendations on spectrum auctions and requesting it to match the radio wave allocation policy with Europe and over 120 countries.

In a letter to telecom minister Ashwini Vaishnaw, the SIA highlighted severe reservations over TRAI’s proposals to include the 27.5 to 28.5 GHz and 3.60 to 3.67 GHz bands in the proposed 5G spectrum auction.

“This will definitely impact existing businesses and affect the livelihoods of those already using these bands and established services, including substantial investments made to provide broadcasting, broadband services via satellite,” said SIA as reported by PTI.

The 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands, known as millimeter wave (mmWave) bands, are high-frequency bands that transmit signals across shorter distances but at extremely fast rates. In comparison to base stations erected on big towers for 2G to 4G mobile services, mobile base stations broadcasting signals in these bands for 5G services will have to be closer together.

According to SIA, the government has already implemented more than a dozen measures in September last year to help the mobile services industry thrive and grow and protect frequency in the 27.5 to 29.5 GHz band, which is globally prioritised for satellites, should be a top priority . It also went on to say that promoting one sector at the expense of another could lead to protectionism.

While the International Telecommunication Union, which organizes and finalizes spectrum utilization around the world, has identified just the 26 GHz band for 5G mobile services, rather than the 28 GHz band, TRAI has suggested that satellite and mobile services share spectrum in the 26 GHz and 28 GHz bands.

According to SIA, there are no studies on the shared use of the 28 GHz band for mobile and satellite services; Therefore, doing so would be risky for India.

It also said: “India should align with Europe and the over 120 countries that have assigned IMT 5G and ESIM (earth satellite in motion/fixed-satellite service) GSO (geostationary satellite orbit) and non-GSO in separate bands.”

According to SIA, it was also discovered that handing over satellite-worthy bands would result in a significant loss of total economic prospects, as Indian citizens would be denied access to high-demand, modern satellite broadband services.

The group also explained that the additional spectrum put up for auction has a two-pronged effect: it creates an oversupply that dampens the government’s auction proceeds while also crippling established economic value delivered by other sectors using these frequencies. The government is in the process of finalizing TRAI’s auction recommendations.

However, according to telecom minister Vaishnaw, despite concerns from telecom operators and lobbying groups about high prices, India’s 5G spectrum auctions are set to take place in June this year. The minister recently stated that the department of telecom is working within the expected timeline and that the process for resolving industry concerns about spectrum pricing is underway.

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