Shroud gives life to plants: Baluram protecting from the sun by bringing bamboo, sari from the crematorium; Security cordon given to 10 thousand plants

Bhilai12 hours ago

Baluram protecting the plants.

You must have seen many eco lovers. You must have heard and read about him, but 63 years old Baluram Verma of Bhilai is a bit different. To save the trees and plants, they bring shroud, bamboo and sari from the cremation ground itself. Then make a circle of protection from it. This process of saving the environment has been going on continuously since the year 1983. Baluram says that everything is free from the crematorium, so I bring the plants from there to give life.

Baluram Verma

Baluram Verma

took the lead for the protection of plants
Baluram Verma, who retired from Bhilai Steel Plant, started working to save the environment from the days of his job. They say that people plant saplings, but after that do nothing for its protection. Due to this, due to lack of water in sunlight and heat, plants often die or they are eaten by animals. In such a situation, he took the initiative to plant and protect the plants.

Planted more than 10 thousand saplings so far
Baluram tells that he roams around the city and plants saplings. After this, by planting bamboo around them, they cover them with sari. By covering it with a sari, the plant does not get heatstroke in summer and it also keeps it away from animals. By doing this and watering from time to time, the plant always remains green and takes the form of a tree in a few years. Baluram told in a special conversation with Bhaskar that so far he has planted more than 10 thousand saplings.

plant protection circle

plant protection circle

Balu Verma’s team in every area of ​​the district
Baluram says that BSP (Bhilai Steel Plant) has given him a lot of support in this work. A pit machine has been given for planting bamboo on the side of BSP. An e-rickshaw has been given. He has developed his own nursery. Wherever they feel or from whichever area the demand for the plant comes, they send their team. Those people provide saplings to them or they come from there by going and planting saplings themselves.

Baluram Verma protecting the plants

Baluram Verma protecting the plants

Family also gives support in this work
Baluram says that once one who has gone from this world does not come back again. They do not believe in blind faith like ghosts. His wife Pushpa Devi Verma, 29-year-old son Deepesh Verma and 34-year-old daughter Deepti Verma all support him in this noble cause. It is only with their cooperation that he has reached this stage so far.

don’t mess with nature
Baluram says that trees give us life and it is our duty to save the life giver. Today, in the summer season, people look for the shade of trees, but not a single person plants a tree. If every human being planted a plant and protected it, then this temperature could never rise. Man is playing with nature. He is cutting trees for his selfishness. A concrete city is being built by cutting trees. Balu Verma says that people should not play with nature. There is still time to be alert and plant a sapling and keep it like a member of your family.

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