This June, Shraddha Kapoor and Rahul Mody’s relationship was almost public. On June 19, Shraddha herself announced her love on social media and shared a cosy picture of herself with writer-assistant director Rahul Mody on Instagram Stories. Along with this, she also wrote an emotional caption, ‘Dil Rakh Le, Neend To Wapas De De Yaar’. It was only after this post came out that it was clear that the rumours were true and Shraddha was dating Rahul. The pair was also being spotted together, as well as both went on vacation.
Screenshots went viral on social media
About a month after the official announcement, Shraddha Kapoor has unfollowed Rahul and his pet dog on Instagram. As soon as Shraddha did this, the screenshot of her Instagram ‘following’ list started going viral. It started being discussed from Reddit to Instagram. A person shared it on Reddit and wrote, ‘Shraddha has unfollowed Rahul Modi on Instagram. Even his sister, his production house and his dog. They had made the relationship official some time ago.’
People’s reaction
Now as soon as the screenshots went viral, people’s reactions have also started coming out. While several social media users wanted to know what could be the reason for doing this, many believe that the actress is doing this only for publicity. One user wrote, ‘I think this is only for the promotion of Stree 2.’ At the same time, another user wrote, ‘What a sad life these people are living that they have to use their long-time partner as a tool on social media to increase people’s interest in their films.’ The third person wrote, ‘Who unfollows a dog’s profile? It seems this is a very personal matter.’ At the same time, one got very emotional and wrote, ‘Don’t think that this is for publicity. This is a very serious matter. My ex-boyfriend removed the highlight of my dog and it felt like someone shot me in the head with a gun.’
Shraddha and Rahul met during this film
Talking about the work front, Shraddha Kapoor starrer ‘Stree 2’ is going to be released in theatres on August 15. Rajkummar Rao, Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurana and Abhishek Banerjee will also be seen with the actress in this film. The actress was last seen in ‘Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar’. During this film, she met Rahul Mody, who was the writer of this film. He also wrote the story of ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ and ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2’.
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