Shivraj Singh Chouhan attacks Rahul Gandhi, says ‘Congress’s DNA is in favour of Pakistan’

After the statement of senior Congress leader Digvijay Singh on the Pulwama attack and the surgical strike, there has been an uproar in the political circles. The phase of political rhetoric is going on regarding this. Meanwhile, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched a scathing attack on the Congress, Rahul Gandhi and Digvijaya Singh. He said that this is an attempt to bring down the morale of the army.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan said, “Congress’s DNA is in favor of Pakistan. They are asking for proof of surgical strike. This is an attempt to demoralize the army. Rahul Gandhi ji, what kind of Bharat Jodo Yatra is this? Tukde-tukde gang hai.” ” I am walking with you.” Attacking Congress leader Digvijaya Singh, Chouhan said, “Madhya Pradesh was once a SIMI bastion under Digvijaya Singh’s rule.” At least the Congress should not commit the sin of demoralizing the army. needed.

Controversial statement of Digvijay Singh

Significantly, ‘Bharat Jodo Yatra’ had reached Jammu on Monday. During this, Digvijay Singh asked for proof of the surgical strike and accused the BJP-led central government of spreading lies. Digvijaya said, “They (Centre) keep talking about surgical strike. They talk about how many people were killed in the surgical strike but there is no proof.” Also, Digvijay Singh said, “From where did the terrorist get 300 kg RDX in Pulwama incident? 40 of our CRPF personnel were martyred in Pulwama. CRPF officials had requested PM Modi to airlift the personnel, but PM Modi did not agree. How did such a mistake happen, till date no report on Pulwama has been placed before the Parliament.’

Elections are going to be held in Madhya Pradesh in the month of November this year and in the meantime, the politics here is also heating up, because this time the process of allegations and counter-allegations is going on between Shivraj Singh Chouhan and senior Congress leaders. Seems to be getting faster.