Bombay High Court had recently granted bail Aryan Khan An alleged drug case and in the process relieved worried parents – Shah Rukh and Gauri Khan – from their misery. After Aryan’s bail, many Bollywood The stars have tweeted in support of the couple. However, actor Shekhar Suman wants Khan to be wary of these good weathermen and their support as very few stars spoke about the incident or came out in defense of Aryan being lodged in Arthur Road jail.
Extending his support to Shah Rukh and Gauri, Shekhar also said that the couple should be relieved now that their son is out. He also spoke about other celebrities in a very long and detailed thread, calling them his “false sympathies”.
Read: Karan Johar showers love on Shahrukh Khan, Aryan Khan gets bail, see photo
Shekhar said, “Now all those people from the film industry who went underground and didn’t support Shahrukh will come out of their holes like rats and come to his house with bouquets and show false sympathy that Aryan was bailed out. Yes,” Shekhar said. Quoted by Hindustan Times.
He also congratulated the couple on Aryan’s dismissal, before the young man would have learned the “bitter” lesson of his life from the incident and “prove himself worthy.”
Shahrukh and Gauri should be freed from their parents. He did a lot without any fault. Congratulations to your son I am sure he has learned the bitterest lesson of his life and will prove himself worthy.- Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) October 28, 2021
How can any parent have complete control over their adult children’s lives and daily activities? Are you serious? It is their bad company in the outside world that is outside their scope. Youth is also defiant no matter how much control they have .- Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) October 28, 2021
And what about the 3000 kilos of heroin that was caught? How many families was it for? Obviously a lot of people are using it outside the film industry as well. And they are roaming around fearlessly. Drugs are a big thing Must end. – Shekhar Suman (@shekharsuman7) October 28, 2021
Earlier this month, Shekhar extended his courtesy to the Khans after Aryan was arrested, saying that his heart goes out to Shah Rukh and Gauri during this difficult time.
In another tweet, he also revealed that Shah Rukh was the only Bollywood star who came and hugged his son Aayush at the age of 11 after his demise.
When I lost my eldest son Aayush at the age of 11, Shah Rukh Khan was the only actor who personally came to me, hugged me and spoke while shooting in Film City. Extremely sad to learn what he should do as a father @iamsrk– Shekhar Suman (Khar Shekhar Suman 7) October 9, 2021
Meanwhile, after Aryan’s bail, Shah Rukh’s legal team also issued a statement confirming the news. He also continued with his stance that “no possession, no evidence, no consumption, no conspiracy” was found since Aryan was taken into custody on October 2, 2011.
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