Sheikh Hasina calls on world leaders to ‘act seriously’ for return of Rohingyas to Myanmar – Times of India

Paris: Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina | Calls on world leaders to “act seriously” to ensure forced repatriation displaced Rohingya refugees to Myanmar.
addressing the formal inauguration of Paris Peace Forum Held at the Grande Halle de la Villette, Hasina said: “The world must act seriously to ensure that these people return to Myanmar soon. Otherwise, the security risks from the crisis will not be confined to just within our borders.” . We already see signs of that.”
Sheikh Hasina, in her speech titled ‘Minding the Gap: Improving Global Governance after COVID-19’, noted that Bangladesh helped the world avoid a major regional crisis by providing temporary shelter to Myanmar’s forcibly displaced people. Rohingya community in August 2017.
the complex Rohingya refugee crisis In August 2017, the explosions followed attacks on remote police posts in western Myanmar by armed groups, allegedly from within the community.
This was followed by systematic counterattacks against minorities, mainly Rohingya MuslimsHuman rights groups, including senior UN officials, have equated ethnic cleansing.
More than 700,000 Rohingya refugees have fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar since August 25, 2017.
The Rohingya refugee crisis is one of the largest, fastest people’s movements in recent history.
flood in cox’s bazar In Bangladesh’s district, the refugees join more than 200,000 Rohingyas who fled years ago, a report by World Vision reported.
Today, approximately 880,000 stateless Rohingya refugees live in the world’s largest and most densely populated refugee camp, Kutupalong. The report said that nearly half of the refugees are children.
On March 22, 2021, their plight intensified after a massive fire broke out in Cox’s Bazar, destroying more than 10,000 shelters, food delivery sites and clean water and sanitation facilities.
