Shark Tank India: 5 reasons why this is the best reality show on TV right now

Shar Tank India judges

Shark Tank India airs on Sony TV

When Shark Tank India was announced by Sony TV last year, it did not create any noise. There was not a ‘famous’ name attached to the judge’s panel. However, a couple of months down the line, it is the only reality show that viewers are talking about. Its hashtags are viral on Twitter and fan clubs of the ‘sharks’ can’t seem to stop sharing memes on the internet. So how did this business reality show capture the fancy of the Indian audience and break the clutter in a segment that has been long dominated by the likes of Bigg Boss, Kaun Banega Crorepati and various dance and music reality shows that have Bollywood fire-power riding on them? We decode.

Opens people’s minds to business and investment

Shark Tank India is not just an entertainment-based reality show meant for passive consumption. If you watch a couple of episodes of the show, chances are you may very well be on the way to investing in any of the businesses you may have heard of. If not this, you will at least try to gather more information about what investing and entrepreneurship are about or have discussions with your friends about it. The show helps in building skills as you discover newer ways to grow your money. It’s infotainment at its best.


A 13-year-old girl bags an investment of Rs 50 lakh for her app on anti-bullying. In another instance, a villager from an engineering background develops tools to simplify farming for Indians. These are just a couple of inspirational stories that Shark Tank India has to offer. There are more for everyone in this show. It not only pushes people to innovate for themselves but also encourages us to come together for nation-building in unique ways. The show also depicts how innovation and ideas are not bound by age.

Also read: Shark Tank India: 13-year-old girl’s anti-bullying app gets Rs 50 lakh fund from Anupam Mittal, Aman Gupta

Minus the melodrama

Shark Tank India has no melodrama. There are emotional stories to the contestants’ background but they are barely used to add unnecessary drama and sentiments to the show. If at all, the tone and presentation make sure that people draw inspiration from the contestants’ backgrounds.

India’s real heroes in the limelight

On the show, the ‘sharks’ are reiterating that the 21st century is that of entrepreneurs. In some of the episodes, the innovative ideas people have come up with shows that India’s heroes can also be entrepreneurs who are trying to mitigate the problems within us. A case in point was a group of four engineers who developed a hardware ‘Annie’ that helps in cognitive learning of visually impaired people. Interestingly, this homegrown and developed product is also being sought in the USA and other countries as more and more people come to know about it. Such examples are numerous on Shark Tank India.

The ‘sharks’

The ‘sharks’ are one of the major reasons why the show is highly popular among fans. Anupam Mittal, Ashneer Grover, Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, Vineeta Singh and Peyush Bansal are pioneers in their own field and how they conduct the show does not feel like many of them may be first-timers on a reality show. They add quirk, seriousness and humor in the show all while making the pitchers feel comfortable and not intimated by their presence. The ‘sharks’ truly feel like they are one of us and that makes them relatable and fun to watch. You can also learn from their acumen and years of experience and apply this knowledge in your own life.
