Shani Amavasya on July 10, know the auspicious time to worship Shani Dev

Shani Amavasya July 2021: Saturday 10th July 2021 is a very good day to worship Shani Dev. This day is the new moon day of Krishna Paksha of Ashadha month. The date of this new moon is also called Shani Amavasya or Shanichari Amavasya.

The date of Shani Amavasya is very important for those who can reduce the inauspicious effects of Shani’s half-century and Shani’s dhaiya. At present, the sight of Saturn is on Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius. Shani’s dhaiya is moving in Gemini and Libra and Shani’s half-and-half is moving in Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Gift of Shani Dev (Glory of Shani Dev)
In astrology, Shani Dev is considered to be the god of justice among the nine planets. Along with this, Saturn is also considered as the primary factor of hard work. Saturn stays in one zodiac for about two and a half years, because the movement of Saturn is said to be very slow. This is the reason that it takes about two and a half years for Shani Dev to move from one zodiac to another. Shani gives good results to the person on the basis of his deeds. Therefore, those who are going through the Mahadasha, Antardasha of Sade Sati, Dhaiyya or Shani should stay away from wrong company.

Auspicious time of Shani Amavasya
On 10th July i.e. Saturday, the date of Amavasya will end at 06:46 am, shortly after sunrise. It is best to worship Shani Dev before the end of the new moon. On this day, recite Shani Aarti along with Shani Chalisa and Shani Mantra. To please Shani Dev, do these measures after finishing the worship, make sure to donate things related to Shani.

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