Shah Rukh Khan brings back memories of Chak De India, takes Indian women cricketers on a drive. watch video

Shahrukh Khan in a new advertisement.

Shah Rukh Khan was seen in a new advertisement along with some Indian women cricketers. The actor was last seen on the big screen in 2018’s Zero.

  • Last Update:17 Jan 2022, 13:22 IST
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It has been more than three years since Shah Rukh Khan came on the big screen. The actor has also been away from social media since the arrest and bail of his elder son Aryan Khan in a drug-related case. While fans are waiting for the actor’s return, a new advertisement for a car brand has been crafted to make up for Shah Rukh’s absence.

In the new ad, Shah Rukh doubles up as a driver for the members of Indian women cricketers Smriti Mandhana, Jemima Rodrigues, Tania Bhatia and Shafali Varna. Reminiscent of Kabir Khan from Chak De India, the ad begins with Shah Rukh meeting the cricketers after a practice session. He offers to drop them off at his hotel. On the way, they are seen discussing about the features of the new car. As Shahrukh leaves them, he tells them that they have forgotten something. The actor then asks him to give his autograph.

Check out the video below:

Shah Rukh has been on a hiatus since the release of Zero in 2018. She is expected to make a comeback on the big screen with Pathan. The Yash Raj film also stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Shah Rukh is yet to make a formal announcement about the film. He is also reportedly shooting for a film with Atlee. Pictures of the actor shooting for the film had surfaced online at the time.

Shah Rukh was seen returning to work in December after taking a break from work due to Aryan’s case. He was seen on the sets of Pathan last month. He was also expected to film his cameo for Tiger 3 in the coming weeks. Salman Khan had confirmed on his birthday that Shah Rukh would be seen in Tiger 3 and Salman would do a cameo in Pathan.

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