Several rockets were fired at the Kandahar airport as violence erupted under the leadership of the Taliban; flights suspended

Rocket attack on Kandahar airport
Image source: AP/Rep

Multiple rockets fired at Kandahar airport

Several rockets were fired overnight at Afghanistan’s Kandahar airport. No casualties have been reported so far, however, several flights to and from the airport were suspended. Violence in Afghanistan has escalated in recent weeks as the Taliban intensify their attacks against civilians, Afghan defense and security forces. This comes in the wake of the withdrawal of foreign troops from the war-torn country.

During Eid prayers last month, three rockets landed in areas near Rashtrapati Bhavan.

Over the past few weeks, the Taliban captured several districts in Afghanistan, including the country’s northeastern province of Takhar.

According to the Afghan Foreign Ministry, the Taliban have captured more than 193 district centers and 19 border districts.

The Taliban also took control of 10 border crossing points across the country in Takhar, Kunduz, Badakhshan, Herat and Farah provinces, completely shutting down cross-border movement and trade in these areas.

The ministry further revealed that since April 14, around 4,000 ANDSF personnel have been killed, over 7,000 injured, and around 1,600 captured by the Taliban.

More than 2,000 civilians, including women and children, were killed in the violence, while 2,200 were injured.

(with ANI inputs)

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