Several Jewish organizations to oppose the rise of anti-Semitism

The event, titled: “No Fear – A Rally in Solidarity with the Jewish People,” is supported by dozens of Jewish organizations including the Jewish Associations of North America (JFNA), Bnei Birth International, the American Jewish Committee. , Anti-Defamation League, Jewish Agency and others.

“We are coming together to stand in solidarity with the Jewish people; Stand up against anti-Semitism and for Jewish safety, dignity and peace around the world,” the event’s website states.

“We all stand against hate. We know that we can’t really defeat anti-Semitism if we allow other forms of hatred in our midst. This alliance has come together amidst ideological divide but our stand on hatred is unified and absolute,” the organizers wrote.

“This coalition will not tolerate racism, Islamophobia, misogyny, classism, competence, homosexuality, transphobia, xenophobia or any other expression of hatred,” he said. “We believe that when we talk about inclusion, we are talking not only about being good neighbors or good allies, but also about being inclusive of our own Jewish community. “

Among the speakers confirmed at the event is Elisha Wiesel, son of the late Eli Visela; Rabbi Jeffrey Myers from the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh; Ron Halber, executive director of the JCRC of Greater Washington; Norm Coleman, president of the Republican Jewish Coalition; and Ron Klein, president of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, among others.
Meanwhile, several Jewish leaders called on the Biden administration to appoint a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitic sentiment, a position that has yet to be filled since the presidency took office.

“It is a top priority for the Jewish community to designate and confirm a special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism as soon as possible,” said William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. “Given the rise in anti-Semitic sentiment around the world, it is essential that envoys remain stationed without delay,” he said.

“As someone who has lived around Washington for a few decades, I can attest that it often takes a new administration several months to fill key positions. In fact, it took 15 months for the previous administration to appoint its special envoy. Gone,” he said.

“I hope that the new administration, which has not yet crossed the six-month mark, will soon announce its candidate, so that it can work to combat the looming anti-Semitism crisis.”

Hadassah’s national president, Rhoda Smolow, told The Jerusalem Post in a statement that “Hadasah is deeply concerned about the escalation of anti-Semitic and anti-Semitic violence in the US and around the world. We speak about those measures regularly. Gives recommendations that can and should be made to reverse this trend.

“One of the steps the Biden administration should take is to appoint an ambassador to combat anti-Semitism and the Jewish community’s contact with the White House,” he said.

“We look forward to the appointments, but in the interim, the special envoy’s office and the Biden administration continue to work,” Smolo said. “In fact, this week, Hadassah had a very productive meeting with top officials in the special envoy’s office and we are in regular contact with White House officials.”

Eric Fingerhut, CEO of Jewish Associations, told the Post that “the Biden administration has been a receptive and open partner to the Jewish community. As we continue to say, both anti-Semitic envoys and Jewish contacts at the State Department are vital to combating global anti-Semitism and promoting clear channels of communication between the Jewish community and the White House.

“With the alarming rise in anti-Semitic rhetoric and hate crimes, we are asking our government leaders to take advantage of all the means available to them to combat anti-Semitism.”

On July 20, the JFNA nonprofit will host a cabinet activation against anti-Semitism, calling for security funding to be doubled to $360 million. Several members of Congress are expected to attend the event, which will also focus on anti-Semitism and combating it on campus.

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