Services affected in 3 centrally run hospitals of Delhi, boycott of work of resident doctors enters second day Delhi News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Care of patients at Delhi’s centre-run Ram Manohar Lohia, Safdarjung and Lady Hardinge hospitals was affected as resident doctors boycotted all routine and emergency services On Tuesday, for the second consecutive day on Tuesday, as part of the nationwide protest over the delay in NEET-PG 2021 Counseling,
protest was called by Federation of Resident Doctors Association,
The AIIMS Resident Doctors’ Association (RDA) said that its members will wear black ribbons at work in support of the country’s resident doctors and against the delay in NEET-PG counselling.
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has sought Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s intervention to ensure that postgraduate admissions take place on a war footing.
Secretary General of Safdarjung Hospital RDA Dr Anuj Agarwal said, “We are continuing the protest as there is no concrete action by the Union Health Ministry.”
The resident doctors are waiting patiently for some positive results of the Supreme Court proceedings in the matter. However, Dr Sunil Duchania, president of RDA at Lady Hardinge Medical College, said there was no relief from physical and mental distress.
“Since there was no concrete response from the authorities from OPD and all regular services, resident doctors have withdrawn from all services (regular as well as emergency) from 6th December in support of the nationwide protest called by FORDA,” Dr. . Sunil Duchania said.
The Progressive Medicos and Scientists Forum (PMSF) said in a statement that the delay in admission to PG has led to “overwork” and the patients they are treating are “underserved”.
“The PG students of the current batch who had escaped from their peers after the pandemic have not only suffered huge personal losses, but have also lost nearly two years of postgraduate education, which a resident doctor had to take after his two to three years. have to be achieved during training,” it said.
“PMSF will not tolerate any punitive action against resident doctors just for protesting which is their democratic right. PMSF stands firm with protesting residents and demands that NEET-PG consultation be held immediately.”
It also demanded a serious effort to streamline and strengthen the NEET-PG admission process so that the scenario is not repeated.
AIIMS RDA said the delay in NEET-PG counseling is depriving Indian citizens of the services of around 42,000 doctors who would have otherwise joined at least six months back.
“Many hospitals are operating with only two-thirds of their total resident doctor capacity, compromising the quality of patient care. As cases of the new version of the coronavirus continue to rise globally, It is prudent that our country should be prepared for another wave of the pandemic,” it said.
The RDA requested the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Health to expedite the process of NEET-PG 2021 counseling in the interest of public and country.
The IMA on Monday expressed concern over shortage of manpower in healthcare amid detection of Omicron variant cases, and said “postponement of NEET-PG admission in medical colleges is disastrous”.
“This will result in a shortage of about two batches of postgraduates, one waiting for examinations and one for admissions. This will result in around one lakh young resident doctors unavailable to tide over the crisis.
The doctors’ body said, “IMA urges the Government of India to actively engage in this issue and ensure that PG admissions take place on a war footing. What if we postpone PG admissions to tackle the COVID crisis.” It’ll be too late.”
Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya met the resident doctors and Forda’s delegation at RML Hospital on Monday for boycotting the work of resident doctors.
According to FORDA members, the minister said that he would mention the matter to the Supreme Court for an early hearing and appealed to the doctors to withdraw their protest, but the resident doctors refused.
The Director General of Health Services on Monday visited Safdarjung Hospital where he appealed to the resident doctors to end the strike.
In a letter to Mandaviya on December 4, Forda had said that there is a shortage of adequate staff of resident doctors in health institutions across the country and no admissions have been received in the current academic year.
“with the possibility of a COVID-19 wave At large, its impact on the country’s population will be disastrous for the healthcare sector,” it said.
“It seems that no initiative or measure has been taken yet to expedite the (NEET-PG) consultations. Hence, after deliberations with various RDA representatives of Delhi, we decided to take our agitation forward and all have decided to withdraw the services (routine and emergency) of health institutions from Monday,” the letter read.
