Sero Survey-4: Antibodies in 67% of the country’s population; Primary schools can be opened, children are less at risk

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  • Antibodies in 67% of the country’s population; Primary schools can open, children are less at risk

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28,975 people were screened in 70 districts of 21 states.  - Dainik Bhaskar

28,975 people were screened in 70 districts of 21 states.

  • ICMR survey shows – 40 crore people still in danger of infection

Amidst the fear of a third wave of corona, the results of the fourth sero survey of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) have shown a ray of hope. According to this, corona antibodies have been made in 67.6 percent of the people (about 86 crores) of the country. That is, they were either infected and cured, or antibodies have been made from the vaccine in them.

In this way, immunity from corona has developed in them. However, there are still about 40 crore people who are at risk of infection. Along with this, ICMR has said that the risk of infection to children is relatively low, so schools can be opened.

Releasing the survey data on Tuesday, ICMR said, 28,975 people above 6 years were included in the fourth nationwide sero survey. In June and July this year, samples were taken from 70 districts in 21 states. Samples of 40-40 people were taken from 10 villages or wards in each district. This included 2,892 in the age group of six to nine, 5,799 in the age group of 10-17 and 20,284 in the age group of 18 and above. Antibodies (seroprevalence) have been found in two-thirds of these.

Antibodies found in 89% of people who have received one dose of vaccine

ICMR Director General Dr. Balram Bhargava said, ‘The areas where antibodies are made in low population, there is a high risk of third wave. Getting antibodies in two-thirds of people gives hope, but cannot compromise this fight. In such a situation, social, religious and political crowds should be avoided.

  • Antibodies were found in 81% of those who had received one dose of the vaccine and 89.9% who had taken both doses. Antibodies were found in only 62.3% of those who were not vaccinated.

Antibodies were found in 85.2% of the 7,252 health workers of the country involved in this sero survey. Whereas 10 percent of health workers have not even got the vaccine. At the same time, 76.1% people have been given the first dose of vaccine and 13.4% have been given both doses.

ICMR advisory

Antibodies like adults in children, teacher-staff should get vaccine before opening school

Dr. Bhargava said, ‘Small children handle the virus easily. Their lungs lack the receptors where the Kovid-19 virus attacks. In the sero survey also, almost the same antibodies have been found in children aged 6 to 9 years as in adults. Many countries in Europe also did not close primary schools. In such a situation, the idea of ​​opening a school can be considered. Opening of schools should start with primary classes. After this the upper classes should be opened.

  • Bhargava said, before opening the school, it has to be ensured that along with the teachers, all the support staff including the bus driver, conductor are vaccinated.
  • However, the decision to open the school has to be taken at the state and district level. This will depend on the test positivity rate and the status of health services.

Official ‘truth’ in Parliament

Center said- States did not tell how many deaths due to lack of oxygen

The Central Government told in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday, it does not have any information about the death of anyone due to lack of oxygen in the second wave of Corona. Congress MP KC KC. In a written reply to Venugopal’s question, Minister of State for Health Bharati Pawar said, ‘Health is a state matter. States and Union Territories have been giving regular information about deaths from Corona. No state/UT has given a separate report of death due to lack of oxygen.

  • However, the minister admitted that the demand for oxygen had increased a lot in the second wave. After this the Center had to come forward for equitable distribution among the states.
  • In the first wave, the maximum oxygen requirement was 3,095 tonnes in a day, while in the second wave it reached a record level of 9,000 tonnes per day.

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