Senate committee votes in favour of Eric Garcetti’s nomination as US Ambassador to India

A key senatorial committee voted 13-8 on Wednesday to advance the nomination of Eric Garcetti as US ambassador to India.

Garcetti, 52, is a former mayor of Los Angeles and his nomination is pending before the US Congress since July 2021, when he was nominated by President Joe Biden to the prestigious diplomatic posting.

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 13-8 in favor of Garcetti’s nomination at its business meeting on Wednesday. The nomination now goes to the Senate floor for a fill-in vote.

Two Republican senators – Todd Young and Bill Hagerty – voted in favor of Garcetti on Wednesday afternoon, joining Democratic lawmakers and passing the nomination through a senatorial committee.

Garcetti was not confirmed in Biden’s first two years in office amid concerns by some lawmakers that he had not handled adequately as then-mayor Allegations Against a Former Senior Adviser of Sexual Harassment and harassment. Senator Chuck Grassley called for a vote against him this week.

GOP Senator Young defended his decision to vote in favor of Garcetti.

Young said, “It is in our national security interest to immediately appoint an ambassador to India to work with the US in the Indo-Pacific to balance China… He has an incomplete resume.” , but have the skills to succeed in this capacity.” ,

“We must ensure that any head of mission without question will protect our Foreign Service officers and embassy staff from all forms of harassment,” said Senator Jim Risch, Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The White House has full confidence in Garcetti. Last week it told reporters that Garcetti was eligible to serve as the US ambassador to India.

“Eric Garcetti was kicked out of (the Senate Foreign Relations Committee) in a bipartisan way. So clearly, he’s got bipartisan support, which is very important in the process.” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “We encourage the Senate to move forward with his nomination and look forward,” he told reporters here last week.