Secondary High Blood Pressure: Know What It Is and Who Are at Risk The Times of India

Many chronic conditions can increase your blood pressure levels. Managing high blood pressure can also help reduce symptoms of other underlying health conditions. Some of the reasons secondary hypertension develops are:

Diabetes: Unmanaged diabetes can put excessive pressure on the kidneys to remove sugar from the blood. Over time this condition can increase blood pressure levels.

Polycystic kidney disease: Cysts in your kidneys can interfere with the normal functioning of the kidneys, leading to increased blood pressure levels.

Renovascular hypertension: This type of high blood pressure occurs when the arteries leading to your kidneys narrow.

Cushing’s syndrome: Prolonged high cortisol levels can cause Cushing’s syndrome and its medication can cause secondary hypertension.

Hormonal disorders: Thyroid disorders or aldosteronism can also affect your kidneys leading to increased blood pressure levels.

Sleep apnea: Severe snoring during sleep that causes a blockage in getting enough oxygen can damage the lining of a blood vessel, leading to high blood pressure.

In addition to these other conditions, obesity, pregnancy, and excessive use of certain over-the-counter medications can also lead to secondary hypertension.