Scottish father-of-three, 48, becomes first double hand transplant recipient – Henry’s Club

A man whose hands were left unusable by scleroderma has been given a new lease of life in what is believed to be the world’s first double hand transplant for the condition.

Steven Gallagher, 48, had an autoimmune disease called scleroderma that causes scarring of the skin and internal organs 13 years ago after an unusual rash on his cheeks and nose and pain in his right arm.

Doctors initially said it might be lupus, then thought it was carpal tunnel syndrome and operated on her, but when the pain returned in both arms she was referred to a specialist who confirmed she had scleroderma .

The condition affected areas including his nose, mouth and hands and, about seven years ago, his fingers began to twist until they were in a fist position and he was suffering from ‘terrible’ pain.

When experts suggested the idea of ​​a double hand transplant, the father of three initially rejected the idea but then decided to go ahead despite the risks.

Steven Gallagher of Dragorn, Ayrshire, is the first person in the world to have a double hand transplant after suffering from the rare disease scleroderma.

Steven’s hands were left unusable by scleroderma, but have been given a new lease of life after what is believed to be the world’s first double hand transplant for the condition.

Undated handout photo of Steven Gallagher’s hand after operation

When experts suggested the idea of ​​a double hand transplant, the father of three initially rejected the idea but then decided to go ahead despite the risks.

The condition affected areas including his nose, mouth and hands and, about seven years ago, his fingers began to twist until they were in a fist position and he was suffering from ‘terrible’ pain. But now he’s beginning to regain control of his new hands

He told the PA news agency: ‘My hands started closing, it got to the point where it was basically two fists, my hands were unusable, I could do nothing but lift things with two hands.

‘I couldn’t hold onto anything, it was a struggle to get dressed and things like that.

‘When Professor Hart in Glasgow told me about a double hand transplant, I laughed and thought it was the space age sort of thing, but after thinking about it for a while, I talked to Professor Hart more Key, and I went down to Leeds and talked to Professor Kay.

‘They were really understanding and really open about what could happen, that I could have lost my hands completely,’ they said, saying it was unlikely but it was a risk.

‘My wife and I talked about it and came to an agreement to go for it. I could have lost my hand anyway, so it was just a matter of telling them that I was going to go along with it.’

Mr Gallagher, from Dragorn, North Ayrshire, had to undergo a psychological evaluation to make sure he was ready for the prospect of a transplant.

After finding a suitable donor, he underwent a 12-hour operation in mid-December 2021.

The hand transplant team from Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust, which performed the surgery, said this is the first time in the world that a hand transplant has been used to replace hands affected by scleroderma.

Mr Gallagher said: ‘After the operation I woke up and it was quite real because before that I had hands and then when I woke up from the operation I still had hands so I never had hands in my head.

‘These hands are amazing, everything’s done so quickly. From the moment I woke up from the operation, I could shake them.’

Steven Gallagher is pictured holding his dog Skye

More than five months after the operation, his condition is improving and although he cannot perform tasks requiring great dexterity, such as buttoning, he can do tasks such as turning on the tap and filling a glass of water. Is.

The 48-year-old worked as a roof tiler and was made assistant contract manager, but had to stop work because of his condition

Steven is happy to be able to do everyday things like stroke his dog and is constantly improving the dexterity of his new mitts

He said: ‘It has given me a new lease of life. I am still finding things tough but with physio and occupational therapist every week things are getting better, everything is slowly getting better.

‘Pain is a big deal. The pain before the operation was terrible, I was on so much pain relief that it was unbelievable, but now I have no pain at all.’

Mr Gallagher, who has three daughters aged 12, 24 and 27, spent nearly four weeks at Leeds General Infirmary after the operation and visits hospitals in Glasgow regularly for physiotherapy and monitoring.

More than five months after the operation, his condition is improving and although he cannot perform tasks requiring great dexterity, such as buttoning, he is able to stroke his dog, turn on the tap and fill a glass of water. like can work.

The 48-year-old worked as a roof tiler and was made assistant contract manager, but his condition forced him to stop work.

‘Pain is a big deal. The pain before the operation was terrible, I was on so much pain relief it was unbelievable, but now I have no pain at all’

He now looks forward to returning to work when his hands have greatly improved, and he is deeply grateful to the man and the family of the donor who made the transplant possible.

The surgery involved a 30-strong team of professionals from multiple disciplines.

Professor Simon Kay, from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, said: ‘This operation has been a large team effort with input from our colleagues in Leeds and Glasgow.

‘Having a hand transplant is very different from a kidney or other organ transplant, because hands are something we see every day and we use them in many ways.

‘For this reason, we and our specialist clinical psychologists assess and prepare patients, to ensure that they will be able to cope psychologically with permanent reminders of their transplant, and that the body rejects the transplanted hands. Can do.’