Saudi Arabia Foreign Minister terms relationship with India ‘Top Priority’

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Image Source: PTI Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister calls ties with India ‘top priority’

Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Farhan Al-Saud Termed relations with India as ‘top priority’. He claimed that relations between the countries have grown rapidly in the last five years. Al-Saud stressed the need for measurable progress in all areas, including economic and trade relations. He said that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman are working to see progress in relations between the two countries.

Relations with India top priority

In an interview with Samir Saran, President, Observer Research Foundation (ORF) at Raisina ‘Ideas Pod’, the Saudi Foreign Minister said, ‘Relation with India is a top priority and we need measurable progress in all areas, especially economic and trade. Progress is needed. Relationship.’

The working relationship between Modi and the Crown Prince is very strong

The Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia highlighted the similarity between the two supreme leaders of the nations who are result oriented in nature. “Part of it is the very strong relationship between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the Crown Prince, who have a very strong working relationship,” he said. They both are very similar in the sense that they both are very result oriented. They don’t just want a good conversation, they want to see real results, they want to see progress and that means we have very clear direction in government.

Emphasizing on India’s growing global stature, he said, “India is a fantastically dynamic country with a huge potential and we have seen that the trajectory for India, especially in the last five years, is spectacular. The potential that India has He’s almost matchless.”

Large Indian presence in Saudi Arabia

Acknowledging the fact that India has played an important role in the Kingdom’s growth journey for several decades given the large Indian presence in Saudi Arabia, he said, “The connection existed even before that, you know the trade relationship It’s been hundreds of years of watching. Now we’re building that relationship, that relationship in a way that not only benefits both of us, but that really benefits the international community.”

He also said that India’s sheer size offers great potential as a large amount of India’s trade with Europe passes through the Red Sea.

“We are certainly India’s most important energy partner, as it has been in terms of conventional energy, but we want to continue that in the renewable era as well,” he said.

(With inputs from ANI)

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