Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev: Decoding bliss

A lot of people, even so called spiritual leaders in the world, are going to preach that peace of mind is the ultimate goal of life. Being peaceful and joyful is not the goal, it is the basic necessity. Tonight, if you want to enjoy your dinner, even if you’re not excited, shouldn’t you at least be peaceful and blissful?

“People are capable of suffering over what happened 10 years ago and what may or will happen the day after tomorrow”

There is enough medical and scientific data to show that your body and brain function best only when you are pleasant. Some studies show that if you go 24 hours a day without irritability, excitement, anger, or worry, your ability to use your intelligence can increase by up to 100 percent, if you’re just blissful.

But, for most people, their own thoughts and feelings are a much bigger issue. Psychological drama takes such a huge toll. People are also able to grieve over what happened 10 years ago and what may or will happen the day after. They think they are suffering their past and future, but they are only putting their two faculties through suffering—memory and imagination.

Does what happened yesterday or 10 years ago still exist today? No. Does what could happen the day after tomorrow still exist? No, then, in other words, you suffer for what doesn’t exist. It’s called madness. People say, “It’s human nature.” No, it is the nature of those who have not taken responsibility for human nature.

The human system is the most complex piece of machinery on the planet. It’s a super-supercomputer, but have you read the user’s manual? now, you are Somehow are using it. If you do things ‘somehow’, life will happen by mistake. Yoga means learning to read user manuals.

In yoga we see the human body as made up of five koshas, or five layers. The first layer or first layer of the body is called annamaya kosha, or the food body, because what you call the physical is just a pile of food. the second one is called manomaya kosha, or the mental body. Today doctors are talking about psychosomatic diseases. If you have tension in your head then you may get stomach ulcer. So what is happening to the mind is happening to the body because what you call ‘mind’ is not in any one place. Each cell of the body has its own intelligence. The third layer of the body is the energy body, or Pranamaya Kosh:, fourth is Scientific Fund: or the etheric body; and the fifth is Anandamaya Kosh: Or a blissful body. anandamaya kosha It does not mean that there is a bubble of bliss within you. We call it the blissful body because in our experience, whenever we touch it, we become blissful. Pleasure is not his nature; Joy is what causes us. anandamaya kosha There is an immaterial dimension that is the source of every physical thing. Only if you bring the first three layers of the body into alignment, will there be a way and possibility to touch the anandamaya kosha, where bliss becomes a natural state.

India is perhaps the only culture that describes God or the source of creation as blissful. And the moment you come in contact with him, you become blissful. What we call ‘Isha Yoga’ is just a ladder to that divinity within you.

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is a spiritual leader, bestselling author and a Padma Vibhushan awardee (2017)
