Sacred Games actress Kubra Sait reveals ‘no regrets’ on having miscarriage

New Delhi: Sacred Games fame actress Kubra Sait has released her memoir titled Open Book: Not Quite a Memoir. The talented find shared the details of his personal life in the book, describing events that took his fans by surprise.

The book ‘I Wasn’t Ready to Be a Mother’ tells about the time Kubbra set out on a trip to Andamansi in 2013. She was 30 and had nighttime scuba diving experience, followed by a one-night stand and miscarriage. The actress wrote in her book, “A week later, I decided to terminate the pregnancy. I was not ready for it. I had not imagined my life or my journey.”

Recently, in an interview with Times Digital, Kubbra opened up on the incident. She said, “I guess I wasn’t ready for it. I wasn’t ready because I wasn’t ready for it as a human being,” the actress continued, “I don’t think I’m ready yet. I I don’t understand this pressure on women to marry at 23 and have kids by age 30. It’s like an invisible rule book. I knew I wasn’t ready for it.”

Reflecting on the remorse, she quipped, “No regrets, of course, I felt like a terrible person! A terrible human being because of the choice I made. But my bad feeling wasn’t that I did.” Not how I felt, but how others felt. People would understand it. My choice was all about me. Sometimes it can be hard to help myself. But that’s okay. You have to do it,” Kubra said.