Russia-Ukraine war: US Senator Lindsey Graham calls for Vladimir Putin’s assassination

Russia Ukraine War, United States, US Senator Lindsey Graham, Vladimir Putin, Assassination of Putin, r
Image source: AP/Rep (File).

Russia Ukraine war: US Senator Lindsey Graham calls for the assassination of Vladimir Putin.


  • US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Calls for Assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin
  • Graham asks if there is Brutus or the “more successful” Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian army?
  • After Senator Graham’s statement, the Russian embassy sought an official explanation from the US

Calling for the assassination of Russian President Vladimir Putin, US Republican Senator Lindsey Graham asked whether the Russian military had Brutus or a “more successful” Colonel Stauffenberg.

Julius Caesar, a Roman general, was assassinated by Brutus while Colonel Stauffenberg, a German army officer, attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler on July 20, 1944.

In a series of tweets, Graham said, “Is Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military? The only way for someone in Russia to get this guy out. You’ll be doing your country – And the world – a great service.”

He continued, “Only the Russian people can fix this. Easy to say, hard to do. Unless you want to live in the dark for the rest of your life, in abject poverty from the rest of the world- Stay isolated, and to live in the dark you have to step on the plate.”

Meanwhile, the Russian embassy demanded an official explanation from the US after Senator Lindsey Graham called for Putin’s assassination.

This comes against the backdrop of the Russian military launching a military operation in Ukraine on February 24, three days after Moscow recognized separate regions of Ukraine—Donetsk and Luhansk—as independent entities.

Several countries, including the UK, US, Canada and the European Union, have condemned Russia’s military operations in Ukraine and imposed sanctions on Moscow.

These countries have also pledged to help Ukraine with military aid to fight Russia. The US, Canada and European allies agreed to remove major Russian banks from the interbank messaging system, SWIFT, meaning Russian banks will not be able to communicate securely with banks beyond Russia’s borders. President Putin has also signed a decree on special economic measures against the US and its allies.

(with ANI inputs)

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