Rujuta Diwekar suggests these 3 home exercises to build your back strength at home

Rujuta Diwekar demonstrates three home exercises that can be done for back training

Renowned nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar comes up with a free 12-week project featuring videos of home workouts that require no equipment and setup.

In this COVID-19 pandemic, going to the gym regularly has become a task in itself. Fears of virus infection and government-imposed restrictions have disrupted the exercise cycle for even the most dedicated gym-goers. With the work from home style of working and very little physical movement, it has become very difficult to keep track of our health. So, how do you train and workout in this position? Renowned nutritionist Rujuta Diwekar has addressed this issue with a free 12-week project that includes home workout videos that require no equipment and setup. The project aims to share sustainability and strength-building exercises that require little or no resources.

In her video for the third week of January, Rujuta demonstrates three home exercises that can be done for back training. For the first exercise, Rujuta lies down on her stomach and extends her hand in front. Then, keeping the body in a straight position, she raises her hand in the air for a count of three and lowers her head. She also exercises with her legs.

Rujuta lifts her leg by the thighs and holds it steady in the air for three counts. Performing the closing exercise, Rujuta sits on her four sides and raises the stability of alternate arms and legs in the air.

She recommends doing the exercises with 3 reps and a count of five in each.

Check it out here:

In the first weeks 1 and 2, Rujuta shared exercises for daily stretches and leg training. Leg training involved using any normal chair, to make it more feasible even for people who don’t exercise regularly.

In the upcoming week’s video, Rujuta will share more exercises aimed at building strength in specific body parts.

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