Ruckus over religious conversion in Kanpur: BJP MLA’s son beats up accused along with supporters, baby cries while trying to save father from mob

  • Hindi News
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  • Uttar pradesh
  • Kanpur
  • Along with the Bajrang Dal workers, religious material was burnt in front of the police and the accused were brutally beaten up by dragging them from the house, when the atmosphere deteriorated, forces of many police stations including PAC were deployed.

Kanpur5 hours ago

BJP MLA Mahesh Trivedi’s son and Bajrang Dal workers thrashed an accused of molestation in Barra-8 township of Kanpur. The police standing on the spot remained mute and kept watching the spectacle. In the case, the police has registered an FIR against unknown people.

A video of the assault has also surfaced. In this, a mob is beating a person. To save the father trapped in the clutches of the mob, his daughter is crying and clinging. Despite this, the mob kept on beating the man. There is a fear of spreading communal tension if the matter is related to two different communities. In such a situation, the administration has deployed PAC on the spot. The police have also registered an FIR against unknown people in the case.

Teenager’s family alleges conversion
Relatives of a teenager, a resident of Barra-8, have accused three youths of the basti of molestation and forcing them to convert by paying 20 thousand rupees. The girl’s mother had complained about this to MLA Mahesh Trivedi. After this, the Barra police had registered an FIR against the accused Saddam, Salman and Mukul under other sections including molestation on July 31.

The victim’s family said that even after trying to forcefully convert the religion, the police did not register an FIR under the relevant sections and did not even arrest the accused. Regarding this matter, Shubham Trivedi, son of Kidwai Nagar Legislative Assembly MLA Mahesh Trivedi from BJP, workers of Bajrang Dal and the people of the area united on Ram Gopal Chauraha of the area on Wednesday evening and started ruckus and sloganeering.

Bajrang Dal workers and mob thrashing the accused in police custody

Bajrang Dal workers and mob thrashing the accused in police custody

The police somehow rescued them and brought them to the police station.
On receiving information about the uproar by Bajrang Dal workers, the force of several police stations reached the spot. Meanwhile, the MLA’s son and Bajrang Dal activists dragged one of the accused out of the house while fighting with the police. After this, he was beaten up fiercely in front of the police. Dragging him and dragging him to the crossroads.

The police present on the spot somehow rescued him and took him to the police station. Seeing the deteriorating environment, Kanpur Police Commissioner Aseem Arun deployed the PAC and the force of many police stations.

Both sides sued each other
DCP South Raveena Tyagi said that on July 12, Quresha Begum, the wife of the accused of molestation and conversion, had lodged an FIR against the woman who accused the conversion and her husband by the Barra police. After this, on July 31, from the other side, a cross FIR was lodged against the three brothers Saddam, Salman and Mukul in other sections including molestation. The Barra police station is investigating both the cases.

Bajrang Dal activists and mob thrashing the accused of conversion.

Bajrang Dal activists and mob thrashing the accused of conversion.

The MLA’s son and Bajrang Dal left, the band’s accused was made
DCP South said that 500 meters away from the protest site, Ajay Band Wale, his son Don and 8-10 unidentified persons assaulted Officer Ahmed, accused of conversion. As soon as the information was received, the police force reached there and was brought to the police station, securing Afsar Ahmed.

After this, an FIR has been registered against those who beat up on the complaint of the officer under other sections including assault, rioting, threatening to kill. Dilip Singh Bajrangi, District Convenor of Bajrang Dal, who was present on the spot, said that if the police do not do justice, they cannot see their sisters and daughters being tortured. Even after this, the police did not make him an accused.

After the ruckus in Barra-8, other forces including PAC are deployed.

After the ruckus in Barra-8, other forces including PAC are deployed.

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