Ruckus in Pakistan after 7 girls became surgeons: The agitated fanatics said – let them remain mother and sister Supporters said – give them a chance before denying

Islamabad6 hours ago

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There is a ruckus these days on a tweet by Pakistan’s well-known surgeon Dr. Javed Iqbal. Actually, Dr. Javed has shared a photo of 7 female students. Also wrote- ‘Who says that surgery is not for girls. These seven are surgeons. I am grateful that I got a chance to trend them.

Due to this tweet of Dr. Javed, social media users of radical ideology are trolling him. Trolls say that Dr. Iqbal is corrupting these women. However, most users have praised the purpose of this tweet and photo. At the same time, it has been described as inspirational for the girls of Pakistan.

What do trolls have to say?

  • Trolls say that these women should not become surgeons. She needs to be a good wife and mother.
  • One user wrote – Don’t mislead him, don’t ruin his good wife and good mother’s life. Why are you increasing the burden on them? They should choose some relaxing and more rewarding emerging field in MBBS itself.
  • Another user said that surgery is not a women’s field. His physical ability is not worth it.
  • A user commented on the dress of the women seen in the photo. He wrote that I think you would have taught him to veil.

People are also standing in support

  • A user replied to the trolls – Women can join any field. Give them a chance before rejecting them. You will see that women are capable of doing any job.
  • Another user wrote that Dr. Iqbal is doing a good job. Pakistan needs such people. There is a dearth of women doctors in the country.
  • One user said that many women do not like to go to male doctors but have to do so due to lack of female doctors.

‘I had to leave the house surgery job’
Many female trainee doctors in Pakistan face difficulties in practice. A female doctor tweeted and said – I had to leave the house surgery job because fellow male house-officers used to demoralize me. He always used to say negative things to me.

‘Loss confidence in doctors’
In June 2020, a video of a Pakistani female doctor went viral. In the video, he questioned the dual attitude of Pakistanis. He said that even if he is not aware of any subject, he is passionate about becoming an expert. Rumor makers first form some opinion in their mind, then become experts and talk to people. The gap of distrust towards doctors has deepened during the pandemic.

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