Ruckus in Delhi: Stone pelting, sword and bullets were fired at Hanuman Jayanti procession in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri – India Times Hindi News – Henry Club

  • Hindi news
  • National
  • Stones, swords and bullets were also fired on the Hanuman Jayanti procession in Jahangirpuri, Delhi.

A sensational news is coming out from the capital of the country, Delhi. There has been firing in the Jahangirpuri area here. It is being told that a procession was being taken out in Jahangirpuri to celebrate the birth anniversary of Ram devotee Hanuman ji, who has been attacked. There is an atmosphere of tension in the area after the attack.

Accident happened near Kushal Cinema

The incident happened near Kushal Cinema in Jahangirpuri. After that there was uproar. Several vehicles have been vandalized. Several policemen who came to stop the stone pelting were injured. Additional police forces have been called from several police stations.

news of bullets

Vishwa Hindu Parishad spokesperson Vinod Bansal tweeted that the Hanuman Jayanti procession was attacked by Islamic extremists. There are also reports of firing and stone pelting in the attack, in which many injured including policemen are said to be. VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal tweeted, “Islamic jihadis pelted stones, swords & bullets on #Hanuman Janotsav procession in Jahangirpuri, Delhi.

Kapil said – no need of proof
BJP leader Kapil Mishra said- A large number of Bangladeshi infiltrators live in Jahangirpuri. The same thing happened during the Delhi riots. How did the stones reach the terraces? Now no proof is needed. After Karauli, the same thing happened in Khargone. These attacks on Ramnavami and Hanuman Jayanti are coincidences or experiments. The government has to take concrete action now.

Officers sent to the spot
An emergency meeting was held in the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding this incident. After this top officials were sent to the spot.

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