Rs 35 crore to prevent artificial floods in Mangaluru: MLA D Vedavyas Kamath | Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: Mangaluru City South MLA D Vedavyas Kamath Said that the state government has released Rs 35 crore for the improvement of all the major rajakaluves (storm water drainage) in city.
He said that the improvement of major stormwater drains would prevent artificial Flooding “Even moderate rains cause floods in Kudroli, KS Rao Road, Chandrika Layout, Pandeshwar and other areas during monsoon in the city. The overflowing of drains causes water logging at many places in the city. 200 crore may be required for restoration of all Rajkaluvas in the city. I am confident of getting an additional Rs 35 crore in the next phase. The tender process has been completed and the first phase will start in a month or two. Construction of retaining wall will prevent drains from overflowing monsoonHe said in an interaction organized by Dakshina Kannada District Working Journalists Association here on Tuesday.
“A sports complex with a mini swimming pool will be constructed at Urwa. Proposal has been prepared for waterfront project in riverfront areas in Mangaluru. Discussions are being held with private players to join hands with Mangaluru Smart City Limited to take up the projects,” he said.
Kamat said that the government is planning to build a labor shed in the city for the convenience of the migrant laborers. “Most of the construction workers in Mangaluru are from other districts and states. The city does not have adequate infrastructure for the migrant laborers to stay during their work at various places. Therefore, Labor Minister Shivram Hebbar has promised to sanction funds for the project. The sites have been identified and a proposal has been submitted,” he said.
TDR cell in MCC soon
A dedicated Transferable Development Rights (TDR) cell will soon be opened at Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) to expedite the process of land acquisition for various development projects. The cell, which will issue TDRs to those who have given their land for development projects, will start functioning soon.
“We are facing difficulties in land acquisition, as there is a delay in issuance of TDR certificates to the land owners, who surrender their land. As a result, there are delays in the implementation of projects. Officials including a surveyor have already been appointed for the SAIL,” Kamath said.
