Roll-out of Russian jab ‘Sputnik V’ delayed again in private hospitals in Delhi-NCR

New Delhi: Yet the roll-out of the Russian jab ‘Sputnik V’ has been delayed in various private hospitals in the Delhi-NCR region. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in the national capital had earlier said that it would start administering the two-dose vaccine by June 25, however, the hospital spokesperson said that the authorities are yet to have clarity on the vaccine roll-out dates.

A spokesperson for Apollo Hospitals told PTI, “We do not have clarity on the dates of vaccination.

Apart from Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, Madhukar Rainbow Children’s Hospital has also not received the dose of Sputnik V from Dr Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad so far.

Read also | Russian when Sputnik V will be administered at 5 government facilities in Gurugram from July; details here

A hospital official reportedly said, “There is a delay on the part of the suppliers. They have not shared any specific reason for this. I think it could be related to simultaneous supply of both the doses.”

According to the pricing schedule of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government, the Sputnik V is priced at Rs 1,145, which will include hospital charges as well as taxes.

Sputnik V was developed by Russia’s Gamalaya National Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology with support from its Sovereign Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF). Dr Reddy’s, which has the rights to distribute Sputnik V in India, received emergency use authorization in April.

The vaccine’s effectiveness is highest—91.6%—after the Moderna and Pfizer shots.

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