Role of CITU in the historic railway strike in 1974. PART -II | rail hunt

The historic railway strike of 1974 began at 6 am on 8 May and continued till 27 May. This is a world record and a unique and unprecedented event. The unity and spirit of struggle was not only created among the railway workers, but it also developed the spirit of struggle in other trade union movements and the striking railway workers committed themselves to continue their struggle in spite of all forms of repression, terror. They continued to strike, the infamous campaign against group attacks, retaliatory acts, strikes in India and abroad.

The sympathy and support shown by the common people to the striking railway workers was unparalleled and a rare precedent for other strikes and struggles. A general strike was called in support of the railway strike on 15 May as a symbol of solidarity. Despite all these positive aspects of this strike it was not able to achieve the 6 point charter of demands. From that point of view it can be seen as a failure of the strike. But it cannot be accepted that the strike was due to extreme torture, repression and retaliatory acts or the brutal terror created by the administration. Despite some damage done to the strike by some anti-class struggle reformist elements.

On 26 May, the proposal to withdraw the strike from the jailed Action Committee leaders reached the Action Committee on 27 May. Only four leaders of the Action Committee, including Comrade Samar Mukherjee, were out of jail at that time. Other leaders were either in jail or absconding to evade arrest as an FIR was registered against them. Of the four leaders, comrades Samar Mukherjee and Priya Gupta were not in favor of withdrawing the strike. Earlier it was decided that only NCCRS can decide to call off the strike, but due to large scale arrest of leaders and victims of retaliation, the meeting of NCCRS could not be convened, for which action committee was called on 28 May. A decision had to be made. strike return. Leaders like Comrade Samar Mukherjee and Priya Gupta knew that by the end of the strike the morale of the striking workers was high. The administration spread all lies against the strike and its leaders, including George Fernandes and other leaders, who were in jail at the time and condemned them.

The effect of the strike forced the administration to release the arrested leaders and stop punitive action against the strikers. According to Com. Samar Mukherjee, it was never possible to break the long-standing strike by the administration as its leaders had lost their souls before the brutal assault and torture. After withdrawing the railway strike within a year, the government, showing its repressive attitude and naked attacks on the working class, imposed an internal emergency.

(To be continued)

Compiled by T Chhatraj.

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