Rogue MP Bob Cater calls for all secondary students to have rifles to defend Australia – The Henry Club

Outspoken politician Bob Cater calls for guns to be given to high school students to save Australia from ‘existential threat’ China,

answer queensland The lawmaker compared escalating tensions in the Indo-Pacific to the situation in Ukraine and said teenagers should be trained to take up arms.

‘How are you going to defend this country? You ain’t got no fuel, you don’t have petrolYou have no missiles, you have no army,’ said the rogue MP sky News This week.

Mr Cater said that under his plan 13-year-olds would be trained to use rifles and schools across the country would have armory buildings where weapons are kept.

He said that when he was young he was taught to use a rifle, when he was ‘as big’.

Controversial MP Bob Cater (pictured) said Australian students should be taught how to use guns so they can defend the country from security threats.

“There is actually a firing range in the center of Sydney… it will operate 24 hours a day, every day of the year,” said Mr. Cater.

He said, ‘Look at Ukraine, how a small country is in the Gulf… One of the two biggest armies on earth.’

‘How are they doing it? Because everyone has a gun.

‘If you have five million rifles in Australia and people know how to use them, you should have an army of 100 million men to attack and capture Australia.’

Mr Cater’s remarks were likely inspired by a security deal between China and the Solomon Islands that leaked online last week.

The draft agreement will see armed police and security funding provided to the Pacific island nation and could lead to a naval base set up by the communist superpower just 2,000km off the coast of Australia.

Mr Cater’s federal seat of Kennedy in northern Queensland is closest to the Solomon Islands behind the Litchheart Division at the tip of Cape York.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to New Zealand leader Jacinda Ardern on Tuesday regarding the security agreement between the Solomon Islands and China.

Mr Morrison and Ms Ardern said on Tuesday they believed the deal could undermine the security and stability of the Pacific.

Ms Ardern has expressed concern, telling NZ Radio that she does not need China’s security presence in the Solomon Islands.

Mr Cater recently released a political ad in which he shot rival politicians (pictured)

Leader of the Opposition Anthony Albanese says Australia should engage more with Pacific island leaders.

“We need to be in a position where Australia is playing a major role alongside our allies in the Pacific because I am very concerned about the announcement made in the Solomons,” he told ABC radio on Monday.

Prashant Kadam should be more than a slogan. Supporting what our Pacific Island neighbors are saying about climate change, for example, requires action and respect.

Some strange comments from MP Bob Cater

On gay marriage in 2017:

‘People are entitled to their sexual instincts. Let a thousand flowers bloom as far as I’m concerned, but I’m not spending any time on that, because meanwhile, every three months, a man in North Queensland is torn to pieces by a crocodile. ‘ said Mr. Cater.

When asked about Sydney Mardi Gras in 1989:

‘If North Queensland (gay) has more than 0.001% of the population, I’ll go back to Bourke.’

On immigration in 2015:

‘It is imperative that people from the Middle East and North Africa be barred from entering Australia’.

On Macklemore’s performance in the 2017 NRL Grand Finals:

‘It’s like sewage seeping into the debutante ball’.

He should retire when fellow politician Clive Palmer said in 2019:

‘I challenge Mr Palmer to walk up the parliamentary ladder, but I must warn him that I take two steps at a time’.