Robbery on the lines of Bollywood film Special 26: 9 people entered the businessman’s house posing as IT officers in Hyderabad, took 1 kg of gold and cash

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  • Hyderabad Latest News Updates; Inspired by a Bollywood movie, a 9-member gang poses as IT officers, robs gold and cash

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A case of robbery has come to light in Hyderabad on the lines of Bollywood film Special 26. Here in Gachibowli, 9 people entered the house of a real estate businessman posing as IT officers and robbed 1 kg of gold and cash and escaped comfortably in the car. Police have arrested 5 accused in the case.

Cyberabad Police Commissioner Stephen Ravindra said that the matter is of Monday. Taking immediate action on the matter, the police have arrested 5 accused involved in the robbery from RC Puram railway station.

They have been identified as Y Aravind, N Murali Sridhar, P Venkata Rao, S Sandeep and P Mohan. Police have also recovered 1 kg 276 grams of gold from them. Police have intensified the search operation to nab the main accused M Jaswant, Sai Baba, Srinivas and C Srinivas in the case.

Real estate businessman’s staff turned master mind
According to the police, the mastermind of the case is M Jaswant, who has been working as a collection agent with real estate businessman Venkata Subramaniam for the past one-and-a-half years. Venkata Subramaniam was not present in the house during the robbery. While M Jaswant was not recognized by his family members. Taking advantage of Venkata Subramaniam’s absence, the whole incident was carried out cleanly.

Made a plan for IT raid under the influence of alcohol
According to the police, the accused had made the entire plan of IT raid under the influence of alcohol. In fact, there was a restaurant in the complex where the office of the real estate businessman was located. Here the businessman’s staff M Jaswant often used to drink alcohol. The restaurant was run by two other accused Y Arvind and S Sandeep. It was here that M Jaswant became friends with both of them.

According to the report of Times of India, Jaswant told Arvind and Sandeep how his owner (real estate businessman) had not paid income tax while drinking alcohol. It was here that the idea of ​​raiding their house by becoming an IT officer came in the mind of the three and a plan of robbery was hatched.

Get fake ID cards made for raids
Police said that M Jaswant, Y Arvind and S Sandeep, along with their 6 other accomplices, first got the ID cards of fake IT officers made to carry out the robbery plan. After this these people raided Subramaniam’s house in his absence.

These people showed their fake ID cards to the people present in the house and confiscated everyone’s mobiles so that there could be no contact with Subramaniam. After this, these people carefully explored the shelves and safes kept in the house and walked with one kilo of gold and cash.

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